Is there a site/app I can go to? I've never invested in Silver or anything before.
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Depends on what you mean by "investing." I can't time the market, and it's foolish to try. If you mean buy low and sell high, good luck. Lots of people try that with varying results.
I didn't "invest" in silver to make money, I bought it in small discreet amounts, spread out over years, looking for good deals at or below market value, flea markets, estate sales, Goodwill, etc. and tucked it away.
FOR ME IT'S JUST A HEDGE AGAINST CURRENCY COLLAPSE. I don't think about it, just forget that it's there. But one day all fiat currencies will collapse and become useless. Silver and gold, as well as ammo and canned foods, will become the currency then. If you have none, then you have nothing.