From the chans. The crazy part is how aggressively the shills are targeting it:
So this dude who seems to be legitimately a longtime insider in Hollywood has released a roughly 90 minute phone conversation he had with someone at California CPS where he claims to be informing them of child trafficking in Hollywood with an assload of claims of all kinds against all sorts of big names, mostly Hollywood actors and entertainers but also stretching to CA Governor Newsom and fucking Pelosi herself. It's like a James Ellroy novel on steroids. Big if fucking true.
Vocaroo of the audio:
Be aware it starts out pretty contentious for the first 20 minutes or so and then the CPS agent begins to ostensibly take him seriously. Also he is evidently someone who was a child of a rich Hollywood family such that his formative years were spent with a lot of big stars, so these douchebags are pretty faggy and narcissistic. Nonetheless, this is a number of bombshells for a number of big names.
Blood to blood. Basically, you've got a small cut or abrasion on your dick or an open herpes sore or something, and then you do the other person hard enough that it injures them a little, which is not hard with anal sex, especially if they've previously had rough anal and are already injured. Congratulations, you've been exposed to HIV.
So it isnt in the semen?
Why didn’t I know this? 😶
It is also in the semen. If you ejaculate inside the person's rectum after rough anal sex and you have HIV, there's a high chance that the other person is going to catch it. But blood has the highest concentration of it.