Great questions! I have discussed the concerns with the commander who is very very supportive of my decisions. My line that left him speechless was "I swore to uphold and defend the constitution with my life. That same document, which I find to be the greatest ever written to govern, is not upholding and defending my God-given rights, more specifically the current regime stepping all over the constitution."
It's unfortunate, but ill be out in the next month. I've got a high level clearance and extensive training via the pentagon. They are going to be letting a lot of good people go, but I think that's bu design.
Excellent comment to him and I hope it causes him to rethink some of his own decisions. Though it's unfortunate, it seems you will be able to ... disentangle yourself from the military without negative consequences. I hope that's so. I heard some people where having to lose their benefits if they leave, which is disgraceful. Thanks for the answer.
As a reservist.... and a government employee, I can't double dip, so I have no benefits. I did it solely to serve. Serve under this? No thanks. Should not have any negative consequences!
Alright, and thanks for your 'true' service. It means something, it means quite a lot to those of us who love our country, imperfect though it may be. And I couldn't agree more with your decision not to serve under the current regime. AS TJ said, "...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government .."
Great questions! I have discussed the concerns with the commander who is very very supportive of my decisions. My line that left him speechless was "I swore to uphold and defend the constitution with my life. That same document, which I find to be the greatest ever written to govern, is not upholding and defending my God-given rights, more specifically the current regime stepping all over the constitution."
It's unfortunate, but ill be out in the next month. I've got a high level clearance and extensive training via the pentagon. They are going to be letting a lot of good people go, but I think that's bu design.
Excellent comment to him and I hope it causes him to rethink some of his own decisions. Though it's unfortunate, it seems you will be able to ... disentangle yourself from the military without negative consequences. I hope that's so. I heard some people where having to lose their benefits if they leave, which is disgraceful. Thanks for the answer.
As a reservist.... and a government employee, I can't double dip, so I have no benefits. I did it solely to serve. Serve under this? No thanks. Should not have any negative consequences!
Alright, and thanks for your 'true' service. It means something, it means quite a lot to those of us who love our country, imperfect though it may be. And I couldn't agree more with your decision not to serve under the current regime. AS TJ said, "...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government .."
I appreciate it! I will still continue to uphold and protect the constitution and out freedom for as long as I live.