Not worried about Big Mike or HRC getting in to the WH. [they]'rw stupid, and not overly creative, but [they] don't want a full on uprising of Patriots in this country. Which is what [they]'ll get if either of those two get in.
because Q tells us we're in a 'movie'...I wonder if this ^ could happen.
and JFK Jr. tried to tell us about it in his survivial guide to the future edition. the president dealing with the 2020 'crisis' between the generations was a blonde female who looked just like HRC, even put her hand on chin like she does.
It matters not which left wing Marxist takes over after Biden. The point is that the ship will sink on their watch. Optics are everything. We are about to witness the first ever game of hot potato with the executive branch. By the end of this movie, they will be begging for Trump to take over just so they can blame him when the ship is at the bottom of the ocean.
I'm shocked people have not been aware of the "non-elected president" scenario. Sure, it requires a person to willingly give up power - but any president can basically select their own replacement IF (and it's a considerable If) they can get their VP choice through the house and senate.
With Democrats being as mindless as they are now, that's not a problem in the House. The senate is a little more questionable - but still possible. Consider Harris would vote on her replacement if there is a tie.
There is not a constitutional basis for this unelected scenario. The constitution has a line of succession. So unless VP, SPOH, SML, and then all the cabinet positions decline the job then maybe your non-elected person scenario can happen. But let's get fucking real, who is going to decline the job?
I don't think so - if the VP resigns, and let's face it, they have ways of making her resign, then the President nominates their replacement. That can be anyone - they just have to be approved by the senate and house (simple majority).
There is no "Automatic move up" if a VP leaves.
Once someone is approved, the President can resign. That makes the VP the president automatically.
Not worried about Big Mike or HRC getting in to the WH. [they]'rw stupid, and not overly creative, but [they] don't want a full on uprising of Patriots in this country. Which is what [they]'ll get if either of those two get in.
because Q tells us we're in a 'movie'...I wonder if this ^ could happen.
and JFK Jr. tried to tell us about it in his survivial guide to the future edition. the president dealing with the 2020 'crisis' between the generations was a blonde female who looked just like HRC, even put her hand on chin like she does.
It matters not which left wing Marxist takes over after Biden. The point is that the ship will sink on their watch. Optics are everything. We are about to witness the first ever game of hot potato with the executive branch. By the end of this movie, they will be begging for Trump to take over just so they can blame him when the ship is at the bottom of the ocean.
I'm shocked people have not been aware of the "non-elected president" scenario. Sure, it requires a person to willingly give up power - but any president can basically select their own replacement IF (and it's a considerable If) they can get their VP choice through the house and senate.
With Democrats being as mindless as they are now, that's not a problem in the House. The senate is a little more questionable - but still possible. Consider Harris would vote on her replacement if there is a tie.
If they ever need a big distraction, wow is that ever one.
There is not a constitutional basis for this unelected scenario. The constitution has a line of succession. So unless VP, SPOH, SML, and then all the cabinet positions decline the job then maybe your non-elected person scenario can happen. But let's get fucking real, who is going to decline the job?
I don't think so - if the VP resigns, and let's face it, they have ways of making her resign, then the President nominates their replacement. That can be anyone - they just have to be approved by the senate and house (simple majority).
There is no "Automatic move up" if a VP leaves.
Once someone is approved, the President can resign. That makes the VP the president automatically.