After being part of the "small group" of those who had their dislike bars taken away a few months earlier, I now appear to be one of the first to have the dislikes killed entirely. Needless to say I'm MAD.
How does it look for everyone else so far? I bet I'm the only one they've shoved this on so far, that was the case last time.
Yes the option "Dislike" is still there, but there's no bar, there's no numbers to see how many dislikes.
Yes this sucks but let's make this work to our advantage. If they want to get rid of the numbers to see how many dislikes... Let's make it so they want to get rid of the numbers for LIKING to?
All we have to do is come out in large numbers and LIKE all pro Trump videos,etc Overwhelming the system.
My thoughts is something big is COMING
Havent gone any where in the last while to do a dislike so I dont know. I will check a few and see.