I simply cannot emphasize enough how important this is to read.
I thought I was awake and well-informed, but holy shit; the information in here made me realize I've still got so much waking up to do.
I can just about guarantee you don't truly understand the full scope of what our satanic, communist enemy is attempting with their "Great Reset" unless you have read this.
It is absolutely horrifying, but we ALL have to read and heed it.
Please post your thoughts & feedback.
Yes, it is a bit on the longer side, but nothing worth having comes easy.
God Bless y'all.
Read Schwab's writings on his un-Great Reset. He spells it all out. Then read the Sun's Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 papers.
Yeah, I have that as an eBook & definitely need to read it; know thine enemy.
I really want to read it so I can get a better picture the scope of what these satanic demons have in store for us, but at the same time I'm reluctant because I know it will just spin me up.
Wait, "the sun's 21 and 2030"?
Do you mean the UN?
Again; I think I have the full text of their master draft docs for both Agenda 21 + 2030 and I just need to make time to read them......
Again; I know I have to but it's so upsetting because I feel so helpless when reading them.