In my own personal opinion? Lin Wood has acted in very divisive ways - both for our side, and in the grand scheme of things. I do not trust him as a reliable actor at this point.
But - do I think he’d steal, cheat, and lie? No. No I do not.
In my own personal opinion? Lin Wood has acted in very divisive ways - both for our side, and in the grand scheme of things. I do not trust him as a reliable actor at this point.
But - do I think he’d steal, cheat, and lie? No. No I do not.
According to Kyle Rittenhouse ... Lin Wood and that other lawyer told him to stay behind bars because he was ‘safer’. Get the fuk out with all the ‘Muh Lin Wood is a Patriot‘ bullshit. He advised KR to sit in jail, and he had the bail money the whole fuking time. 87 days that kid sat in jail when he could have been at home. THAT IS FUKED UP.
EDIT: @escapefromearth ... none of that was aimed at you. That was a generalization. Apologies for sounding like that was aimed at you
I actually have no opinion on lin wood. It's all good.
Lin Wood didn’t advise him of anything. His criminal lawyers made those decisions and recommendations. Lin Wood raised money through his Fight Back 501c. The con man is Hancock and Kyle only knows what Hancock tells him.
And you know this because ....
Read his statements..
Ya, but Kyle is getting all his information from his "trusted" inner circle.
Who really knows the truth.
It's highly possible kyle's handler told him that and he just believes it.
Question or statement? How would Kyle know what’s really going on behind the scenes while he was in jail. There is more to this story than what has been published.