In my own personal opinion? Lin Wood has acted in very divisive ways - both for our side, and in the grand scheme of things. I do not trust him as a reliable actor at this point.
But - do I think he’d steal, cheat, and lie? No. No I do not.
In my own personal opinion? Lin Wood has acted in very divisive ways - both for our side, and in the grand scheme of things. I do not trust him as a reliable actor at this point.
But - do I think he’d steal, cheat, and lie? No. No I do not.
I agree with you 100%. I have been on the fence about LW for a long time. Here is my thing about him ... I haven't seen ANYWHERE where he actually did ANYTHING. Sidney Powell ... filed a mountain of law suits and defended Mike Flynn. Lynn Wood hasn't done shit. Lots of words ... no deeds. I wanna see deeds.
He has done plenty, and on his own dime.
Wood’s lawsuits 11/13 lawsuit against Raffensperger for his illegal consent decree
11/17 TRO to stop election certification -
11/24 subpoena for video evidence at State Farm arena
11/25 Appeal to 11th circuit in GA for 11/13 lawsuit
11/29 Injunction to preserve voting machines in GA
12/8 Docketed at SCOTUS for 11/13 lawsuit
12/18 Injunction to stop runoff:
Yeah I hear ya. I just kinda view him as a right wing agitator, most likely a white hat, and his job is to say outlandish, blunt, truthy things to get the left all wound up. Kinda a purposeful lightening rod, to take some heat and allow others to stay more off the radar. If this is true, bravo for using some new tactics. Oooooooor he’s devil in disguise.