So glad old mate is based. Fucking loved this movie when it came out. Bigly recommended to any of the younger anons that missed it and want to know how the 90's started, apart from Nirvana etc.
It may also be of some small comfort to know that some of us were onto these fuckers well over 30 years ago and have never forgotten or forgiven them, nor have given in and sold out like the REAL boomers - the 60s MK Ultra acid soaked free love hypocrites did. Gen X are not boomers and never will be. We inherited a steaming turd of a system and endured a decade of misery just after leaving school as the 80's crashed and burned into global recession and stayed there.... it toughened us and I have few regrets for the path I made through it, hills and valleys a plenty...
We've been that annoying voice that caused errors in the programming of the sheep and caused them to occasionally not clear the fence, stop, look around and go "why the fuck are we all jumping over this thing?"
To all the younger anons - welcome to the grind. See you in the trenches.
The kek ring is strong with this one....
One ring to slay them all... 🥒💍
So glad old mate is based. Fucking loved this movie when it came out. Bigly recommended to any of the younger anons that missed it and want to know how the 90's started, apart from Nirvana etc.
It may also be of some small comfort to know that some of us were onto these fuckers well over 30 years ago and have never forgotten or forgiven them, nor have given in and sold out like the REAL boomers - the 60s MK Ultra acid soaked free love hypocrites did. Gen X are not boomers and never will be. We inherited a steaming turd of a system and endured a decade of misery just after leaving school as the 80's crashed and burned into global recession and stayed there.... it toughened us and I have few regrets for the path I made through it, hills and valleys a plenty...
We've been that annoying voice that caused errors in the programming of the sheep and caused them to occasionally not clear the fence, stop, look around and go "why the fuck are we all jumping over this thing?"
To all the younger anons - welcome to the grind. See you in the trenches.