Yep if you buy DWACW you're just buying the option to buy the stock at the set price later on, so you'll need the money to buy it later. You can get a LOT more warrants for the money though, so the potential gain could be great, but they're not full shares.
DWACW has a full share and half a warrant (iirc) so you'll want DWACW in even numbers to maximize the half warrants attached.
I have Dwacu it's one share with one warrent attached.
Also you can buy DWACW it's just the warrent.
Yep if you buy DWACW you're just buying the option to buy the stock at the set price later on, so you'll need the money to buy it later. You can get a LOT more warrants for the money though, so the potential gain could be great, but they're not full shares.
DWACW has a full share and half a warrant (iirc) so you'll want DWACW in even numbers to maximize the half warrants attached.