Me too! Washington could have been a King but he was a free mason. 32nd secret is God is the devil. This how they wanted it. We will have our king soon. So here we are in our deep state world. The old world will return. God is in our side. We must not play games with Dems or the GOP. Tired of getting deep state fucked over and over. No more f’n Glen Youngkin Carlyle Group types, Bush, Biden, Clinton, Romney’s, his damn niece is a deep state devil angel. They think we are stupid and will keep playing their games.
My concern.
Even if Trump comes back and does a good job. After he leaves office.
The deep state can just reverse what he did again.
When Trump comes back he will not leave. That’s the plan and always has been. One God, one country, one leader Trump.
I am looking forward to it!
Me too! Washington could have been a King but he was a free mason. 32nd secret is God is the devil. This how they wanted it. We will have our king soon. So here we are in our deep state world. The old world will return. God is in our side. We must not play games with Dems or the GOP. Tired of getting deep state fucked over and over. No more f’n Glen Youngkin Carlyle Group types, Bush, Biden, Clinton, Romney’s, his damn niece is a deep state devil angel. They think we are stupid and will keep playing their games.