I have a relative who, because she works in the medical industry, will be required to take a vaxx and boosters. She REALLY doesn't want to but her well paying job is at stake. Are there currently any reliable methods to detox the body after getting jabbed with God knows what is in the vaxxes? I hear that graphene is the worst ingredient.
Anybody know about detox methods?
There isn't anyone I trust more than Dr. Judy Mikovits. At about the 40:45 mark on the video linked in this thread...
... she mentions several things that the vaccinated can do. She also talks about Suramin (although I don't think she does in the above linked video). Just do a search in the search community box here for Suramin and you'll see several threads that discuss it.
I've got glutathione and suramin (pine needles) on supply for any vaxxed family or friends who are willing to take it. Of course also have ivermectin on hand for all family or friends (vaxxed or not).
Edit: I agree with other commenters by saying DON"T take the vax. After the fact though I think we should put ourselves in a position to help people who are vaxxed.