posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron +112 / -0

Hopefully anons have seen info and notice about what is happening in the Northern Territory. (Australian "territories" are not States, and are administered in different ways).

Tribal Leaders are speaking out about how indigenous folk are being terrorized into getting injected, being pressured, threatened, and then forcefully injected by mobilized police and military forces, both domestic and (reportedly) military.

Lurnpa, of the Original Sovereign Tribal Federation, speaks out. He rightfully points out how many of the tactics of the NWO have been trialed and tested on the indigenous folk of Australia.


Start at 9:03 for Lurnpa's plea.

Forced "vaccination" - (forced injection with the experimental treatments)

State of Emergency


Meanwhile the government top dog, Chief Minister Michael Gunner, is carrying out the terrorism on the people of the NT, just as other State leaders and their governments have been doing on VIctoria, new South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland, and South Australia.


UNlike many other indigenous people that the Cabal has raped, murdered and terrorised since colonization began, The Australian indigenous people were never even recognized as a people. The Cabal, when they arrived in Australia, said "no one is here" and so they never even made treaties etc. (even though treaties were broken in many other places around the world, the Australian indigenous nations never even warranted a treaty.

Point is, like numerous other children of the creator, the Australian peoples have lived with being robbed of their land, degraded, robbed of their culture and heritage and have suffered unspeakable trauma.

That's the context on which the current travesties are taking place.


Meanwhile, word has come out that the Australian Defense force is NOT involved, so here things get messy. Are these foreign troops (UN troops? mercenaries?) being used?


Either way, yes, Australia is the Guinea pig, but among the guinea pigs, the Indigenous people are the guinea pigs' guinea pigs.

Raise awareness.

Australia holds the line, so stand with us, and get the info out there.
