The world is run by satanic child eating Nazi pedophiles, and Andersson didn't want to join the club. "The money changing hands, the favors, the kickbacks – you have no idea. Babies are a high-functioning currency all of their own. Babies are their premium brand of high-grade caviar cocaine diamond steak.” - Mel Gibson
The elites that run the world don’t want people in power that they can’t control, so they lie, cheat, and steal to put their people in control. Or they will try to recruit you to join them. At first they will offer you benefits, but they will also try to dig up any dirt they can find on you to use as leverage to control you. The higher up you climb, the more you learn about them, the more devastating their blackmail needs to be in order to stop you from exposing them. That is why they commit horrible acts against children. Every sane and moral person HATES anyone that does those types of things to children. Child molesters can’t even be put in general population in prisons or they quickly end up dead. If everyone at the top is filmed and recorded doing these things, it keeps them all in line. Mutually Assured Destruction. Here is an article about a European banker that was asked to commit child sacrifice but refused:
There are two psychological concepts they take advantage of to protect them from anything that does leak out called Normalcy Bias and Refuge In Audacity, these are basically the same thing, just from different points of view. Normalcy Bias Is when normal people in normal situations have trouble believing unusual things are happening even if it is right in front of them. The stranger and more unusual something is, the harder it is to accept. Refuge In Audacity is when you do something so extreme and unusual that people are too shocked to stop you or even believe that you must have a good reason for doing what you are doing.
Normal Example: A woman is raped and reports it to the police. They take her statement, gather evidence, arrest the perpetrator, and prosecute him.
Extreme example: a young girl is raped as part of a satanic ritual involving robed men, naked women, human sacrifice, and cannibalism. The girl reports this to the police and they refuse to believe her and either do nothing or charge her with filing false police reports.
Actual real world example: A woman is drugged and raped and goes to the police. They ask her if she knows the man that did it and she tells them yes, it was Bill Cosby, the guy who plays the lovable family man Dr. Huxable and sells pudding pops on tv. The police do nothing for decades until dozens of women all come forward at the same time.
I dont get this, can someone fill me in
The world is run by satanic child eating Nazi pedophiles, and Andersson didn't want to join the club. "The money changing hands, the favors, the kickbacks – you have no idea. Babies are a high-functioning currency all of their own. Babies are their premium brand of high-grade caviar cocaine diamond steak.” - Mel Gibson
Because of abortion, babies are the only currency regulated through sound fiscal policy.
The elites that run the world don’t want people in power that they can’t control, so they lie, cheat, and steal to put their people in control. Or they will try to recruit you to join them. At first they will offer you benefits, but they will also try to dig up any dirt they can find on you to use as leverage to control you. The higher up you climb, the more you learn about them, the more devastating their blackmail needs to be in order to stop you from exposing them. That is why they commit horrible acts against children. Every sane and moral person HATES anyone that does those types of things to children. Child molesters can’t even be put in general population in prisons or they quickly end up dead. If everyone at the top is filmed and recorded doing these things, it keeps them all in line. Mutually Assured Destruction. Here is an article about a European banker that was asked to commit child sacrifice but refused:
There are two psychological concepts they take advantage of to protect them from anything that does leak out called Normalcy Bias and Refuge In Audacity, these are basically the same thing, just from different points of view. Normalcy Bias Is when normal people in normal situations have trouble believing unusual things are happening even if it is right in front of them. The stranger and more unusual something is, the harder it is to accept. Refuge In Audacity is when you do something so extreme and unusual that people are too shocked to stop you or even believe that you must have a good reason for doing what you are doing.
Normal Example: A woman is raped and reports it to the police. They take her statement, gather evidence, arrest the perpetrator, and prosecute him.
Extreme example: a young girl is raped as part of a satanic ritual involving robed men, naked women, human sacrifice, and cannibalism. The girl reports this to the police and they refuse to believe her and either do nothing or charge her with filing false police reports.
Actual real world example: A woman is drugged and raped and goes to the police. They ask her if she knows the man that did it and she tells them yes, it was Bill Cosby, the guy who plays the lovable family man Dr. Huxable and sells pudding pops on tv. The police do nothing for decades until dozens of women all come forward at the same time.