My immediate family is unvaccinated, the rest of my family is vaccinated.
They want all 3 of us (even our 1 year old) to produce negative tests before attending, which we're not willing to do.
So... it looks like my family will be having our Thanksgiving with you wonderful bastards instead!
God Bless!
EDIT: As this has reached the top page, and some people think I was the one to inform my family about the Covid case.
My family and I run a business together, my father is the owner, and the local hospital informed him when one of his employees tested positive, that employee happened to work in my building that I manage, he then uninvited us to Thanksgiving.
If you had a football field filled with people shoulder to shoulder & front to back, my sister and brother would find the most weird, obnoxious people and marry them.
I remember family dinners before (only I had kids) being dull, dry, tense, with everybody bragging about how important their jobs were or how they had the BEST doctors who are not accepting more patients and insulting zingers from my sister-in-law to me and insulting zingers from my brother-in-law to my husband. I always left with pent-up raging anger that lasted for days.
I opted out before my kids were born, because I knew there would be a nuclear war if anyone said anything disparaging about them. Since that time I have enjoyed every holiday with my husband and two sons. Distancing myself is one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Happy Thanksgiving Frens. :)