My immediate family is unvaccinated, the rest of my family is vaccinated.
They want all 3 of us (even our 1 year old) to produce negative tests before attending, which we're not willing to do.
So... it looks like my family will be having our Thanksgiving with you wonderful bastards instead!
God Bless!
EDIT: As this has reached the top page, and some people think I was the one to inform my family about the Covid case.
My family and I run a business together, my father is the owner, and the local hospital informed him when one of his employees tested positive, that employee happened to work in my building that I manage, he then uninvited us to Thanksgiving.
No that’s ridiculous, there are plenty of good excuses but that’s not the argument to use. If the vax makes these idiots produce spikes then it’s one more thing the unvaxxed immune system learns to fight off and we’re all better off for it. Don’t make shitty excuses not to spend time with family.
OP I’m sorry your in laws are hysterical sheep and they’d cast their own blood out like that.
I just spoke with my aunt and her friends parents all got 3rd booster and are dead!!
I'm not saying an excuse but countdown has begun. Hoping OP sees his family soon before dark winter hits.