Dude I'm a minority and it sickens me that they want to degrade our founding fathers. I'm a proud American and nothing else. Fuck race labels, and fuck commi revolutionaries
You must admit, its getting happier every minute. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. We will be a more glorious country than ever before once this is said and done.
Ok...but which version of Al do they get?? Pre Lap-band surgery Al Sharpton, or 1980's Tawana Brawley Al Sharpton? I only ask, because the materials alone will be drastically different in price
So, what happens to these statues? Does some rich guy get to buy them for cheap at an auction?
Wait really, no fucking way gtfo
Just saying a possibility, but the alternative could be Jesse Jackson.
Dude I'm a minority and it sickens me that they want to degrade our founding fathers. I'm a proud American and nothing else. Fuck race labels, and fuck commi revolutionaries
Evidence is in: You are one sane motherfucker. Hats off. It is our country, made possible by our founding fathers.
Hey idk if anyone said this to you yet, but Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your turkey fellow patriot
You must admit, its getting happier every minute. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. We will be a more glorious country than ever before once this is said and done.
AMEN brother
Wow a statue of a Poverty Pimp
The fat one or the skinny one?
Ok...but which version of Al do they get?? Pre Lap-band surgery Al Sharpton, or 1980's Tawana Brawley Al Sharpton? I only ask, because the materials alone will be drastically different in price