posted ago by Sodium_miner ago by Sodium_miner +9 / -0

We were told repeatedly to enjoy the show. I know no one who personally witness armaud arbury, Kyle Rittenhouse, cases. These two were very public cases. I had one handshake account say they were an eyewitness to the BLM fag who crashed through the Christmas parade and I raised an eyebrow. One case white kid defends himself legally and shoots and kills two white guys and disfigured another while missing a black man by inches. NOT guilty…….. next case white guys go actual vigilante and are found guilty of murder. Is this the counter move. Is this part of the show. Other than the handshake account I personally witnessed none of this or know any of these people. I see stuff on the internet but I wasn’t there. These two cases explicitly show a contradiction to the false narrative of the left. Furthermore if devolution were in place all assets that were used to steal an election should be taken and used as they saw fit. I’ve had a couple drinks so ignore at your discretion, probably should just keep scrolling………