I may be mistaken, but perhaps the White Hats are inside many "old guard" institutions making sure these institutions push themselves into destruction.
The media has always lied, but over the past few years, it has become obvious to more and more American's what they say in total lies. Have the patriots taken over Project Mockingbird, to make them seem more radical than ever?
Salvation Army just announced all white donors need to apologize. Are they really that stupid? If going woke destroyed Gillette, what's it going to do to a Salvation Army?
The medical industry, CDC, Big Pharma have probably always lied and hid cure from us, but suddenly it became obvious to anyone paying attention. If the vax goes bad, they are all looking at some serious lawsuits.
FBI has probably always been evil, but it's just been in the past year or two their corrupt behavior has really been over the top. The average person is starting to question if they are just a terrorist organization.
Is this crazy, or is it possible these organization are getting a gentle push from the White Hats to bring their desmise?
Controlled demolition, I'm sure you're right. Arresting people, closing and destroying all the bad actor businesses couldn't be done at once- this organic 'one-at-a-time' slipping away of bad business gives a chance for good people to fill the void so the market doesn't go into shock. The plan remains concealed, the libs cry, another guerilla attack complete. If white hats now own the leverage that the black hats had on business owners / managers this would be relatively simple and wouldn't require infiltration of staff.