I usually don't bother with this sort of drama, but in trying to sort out who is who in the Kyle Rittenhouse bashing of Lin Wood, it looks like I stumbled onto something that could be something ... or some people are just plain crazy.
Lin Wood continues to reveal more, from his side of the story.
He is saying that David Hancock, a "family friend" and "family spokesman" for Kyle Rittenhouse and his mother, Wendy Rittenhouse, (a) is banging Kyle's mother (or at least is getting inside, somehow), (b) is acting like a dad to Kyle, (c) hacked into Lin Wood's foundation's computer and stole the donor list, which was then used by Hancock to solicit funds to help Kyle (the FreeKyleUSA Fund and the Milo Fund), which Lin is implying has been used for things beyond paying legal bills. Oh, and Lin implies that Hancock is CIA. Whew!
Lin then refers us to Gordon Rose, who set up his own Telegram channel supposedly to dox who Hancock really is. (Hell, for all I know "Gordon Rose" could just be a pseudonym for Lin Wood, but it might be a real person.)
In addition, Lin calls out Dan Bongino for being Deep State Mockingbird, for not investigating Lin Wood's side of the Rittenhouse story, and Lin threatens a defamation suit against Bongino.
This shit is getting entertaining. If true (and I am taking a "wait and see" approach), it is quite an amazing view into how deep state assets could infiltrate so easily into major stories that are pushed by the media.
Lin Wood:
Gordon Rose posting about David Hancock:
That Rose telegram has some pretty interesting claims, including saying that David Hancock set up Kyle Rittenhouse in that bar, and had him do the "OK" sign, for the purpose of tarnishing Kyle's public image.
Bizarro World here.
Why would Hancock (or anyone) want to do that? I dunno, but infiltrating into the family would be a great way to make it happen, if he wanted to. Maybe somebody wanted Kyle to be locked up for life to be used as a symbol of "white supremacy," but the jury did not go along with the plan.
Kinda seems that way, at least according to Lin Wood and Gordon Rose.
Proud Boys have been accused of being FBI/CIA undercover FF assholes. If so, it would be so easy to coordinate with another FBI/CIA undercover asshole who is banging the kid's mother.
I don't know if everybody in this thing is fucking crazy, or if there is some deep state shit piled up here. The Rose guy seems a little off the wall in the way he writes, which is a bit of a red flag. OTOH, it kinda makes sense -- and the Kyle/Proud Boys picture did happen and was leaked to the media, and they did run with it.
And now that Lin Wood has accused David Hancock of a crime (hacking his computer and stealing his donor list), Lin is opening himself up to a defamation lawsuit himself, unless his claims are true.
Either way, it's better intrigue that anything at the movies these days.
Bottom Line: I have no idea who is telling the truth. But if Lin Wood and this "Gordon Rose" character are telling the truth, then there are two possibilities:
(1) Kyle's actions at BLM were legit, but then Deep State infiltrated to take advantage and tried to use it to make it into the next gun control/gun confiscation narrative, with a little race card angle thrown in for good measure ... or
(2) Kyle was also part of the setup from the beginning, making it some sort of FF op.
And ... what do you know? Within days of the not guilty verdict, we have the next race card play out with the black guy running down White people, letting us all see how much the (((fake news))) hates White people.
Another interesting point about the "87 days in jail," is that this Gordon Rose says that it could have been avoided if Kyle's lawyer had recommended not fighting extradition from Illinois to Wisconsin. I didn't follow that part of things, and don't know how that plays out, but it's an interesting side note, since Kyle is claiming that he spent extra time in jail due to Lin Wood saying he should stay there. Maybe Wood had nothing to do with it and Kyle was misinformed, or knows that it is not true.
Yet another bizarre twist: David Hancock's business partner (or former business partner -- not sure which) is on the run from the law on charges of trying to scam the government of Puerto Rico out of $38,000,000 for ... fradulent Covid test kits.
Whaaaa? LOL.
This whole thing looks basically like junior high school drama on steroids.
Lin is one of the few real patriots actively vocal against Israel and their Khazarian Mafia. I stand with him.
While most wont even mention it because they know the backlash. AJ wont even bring htis up and he talks all kinds of crazy. This proves everything we need to know.