I should have said “who gave the speech to him, or was it him that made this decision” That’s a bad look if he was in on it but if he was manipulated, I could understand. I wouldn’t be surprised if the deep state would do that but yeah… maybe he is bad.
There is a lot of room in that story for error. He could be luciferian or he could’ve been told that was a Catholic prayer by an associate. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt tbh.
Catherine Clare Prophet on 1984 was a cult leader of the Church Triumphant. In the video she seems to be channeling a demon.
No record of such a prayer in the Catholic archives, which is what Flynn says it was when confronted.
I should have said “who gave the speech to him, or was it him that made this decision” That’s a bad look if he was in on it but if he was manipulated, I could understand. I wouldn’t be surprised if the deep state would do that but yeah… maybe he is bad.
When asked about it on an interview, he said it was printed on a card he kept in his wallet.
I think TruNews had the most in depth reporting of this, which is where I saw the clip of the interview he gave about it.
There is a lot of room in that story for error. He could be luciferian or he could’ve been told that was a Catholic prayer by an associate. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt tbh.