You read it. And then explain it. No more of this arm-waving and assuming the mantle of people who are above you in their insight and accomplishments. There is plenty of energy in the universe, but it is the science of thermodynamics that makes it available.
I've read a lot about Tesla, particularly his notions for wireless transmission of electricity. But that still took an electrical power input. You want to state in a few sentences what he was thinking? If you can't, then it is pretty clear you don't know what he was thinking.
No. Read Nikolais work. All the energy exists.l already. It's about tapping in.
You read it. And then explain it. No more of this arm-waving and assuming the mantle of people who are above you in their insight and accomplishments. There is plenty of energy in the universe, but it is the science of thermodynamics that makes it available.
Read Teslas writings yourself, it's readily available.
I've read a lot about Tesla, particularly his notions for wireless transmission of electricity. But that still took an electrical power input. You want to state in a few sentences what he was thinking? If you can't, then it is pretty clear you don't know what he was thinking.