posted ago by aumone ago by aumone +19 / -0

I've been reading posts in Telegram about all the Countries halting travel because of the "new" variant.

I am actually getting more sceptical with each passing day.

I live in Minnesota. I'm over 60. So is my husband.

We have not gotten so much as a cold in over 20 years. We did not get the flu shots.

Hubby works at Home Depot and should wear a mask but he wears it around his chin and his bosses never say a word.

We wear a mask ONLY when we have to go to a Doctor's office (blood work for my thyroid meds or my ortho guy-hubby for his yearly physical)

We eat healthy foods (organic as much as possible) and I cook dinner meals and make healthy sandwiches, fruit and soup for lunches. Rarely any processed foods.

We take all the recommended supplements and more as I have been a vitamin junkie since I was 20.

Which brings me to the question...I know of not one person who has been hit with one of the alleged variants and want to know if you know anyone who has come down with it?