Would a statistician kindly go over this data and give your thoughts on efficacy of the vaccine?
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Not a statistician, and the CDC is manipulating numbers but what jumps out at me is for October:
For the vaxxed: 82 deaths/5562 cases = 1.47% fatality rate
For the unvaxxed: 88 deaths/9186 cases = .96% fatality rate
The fatality rate trend is looking bad for vaxxed is bad, it has gone up from .99% in July to 1.47% in October
While the unvaxxed has dropped from 1.2% to .96%
Cold weather spreads it more, that is a known. The other issue with this kind of data is how much is withheld. What would be needed to make more sense of this data would be a breakdown of the same months, region (British Columbia?), of general deaths and hospitalizations. I have read multiple reports of post vaxx deaths/hospitalizations being attributed to something other than covid even when they had covid.
Which year(s)? Which hospital(s)? Why only 4 months?
Covid "cases" is meaningless and irrelevant, because there is no valid test for Covid. Since no test exists, there can be no real basis for determining what a "case" is.
What does "hospitalizations" mean? Due to "Covid" (based on a fake test)? Does it mean broken bones, and the person also "has Covid" (based on a fake test)? Likely, this also means nothing.
What does "death" mean? Due to "Covid" (based on a fake test -- or based on a presumption, which has also been used for people who never even had the fake test)? Does it mean "died due to Covid," and if so how was that determined, when there is no valid test? Does it mean "died with Covid but due to something else," and how would that be determined, when there is no valid test?
Remember that the vaccine makers have a different measure of efficacy than common sense ones like "prevents transmission" or "reduces deaths." They have instead Relative Risk Reduction and Absolute Risk Reduction. This is estimate of how many people have to be vaccinated to prevent another case vs. how many cases were prevented. In the beginning obviously they couldn't measure things like the vaccine losing effectiveness and so were boasting of "95% efficiency." Numbers are a lot different now but not a lot clearer because of testing faults and changing definitions. If you know anything about statisticians you will know there is contention over everything. Here are a couple of articles. We won't sort this out while Big Pharma is driving the narrative, if ever. But we still need to collect all data.
https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(21)00119-1/fulltext https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-thelancet-riskreduction-idUSL2N2NK1XA
Would be nice to know the population size and percent of population vaccinated. Hard to interpret this data without those data points.
Death wise, there is only a small percentage change more of Unvax dying. 198 vs 167 => 54% Hospitalization wise im just eyeballing around 70% unvaxx, im guessing this is where alot of withheld data is i.e. not even being tested for covid. Actual covid cases, I suspect has the most misleading data as people with the vaxx dont show symptoms and often even if they do they rarely get testing.