By the very fact you've visited this site.................Your freedom to own a firearm would be taken away. Your freedom to travel outside a specific distance from you home would be curtailed. Your freedom to have your children attend higher education would be cancelled. Your freedom to receive medical attention would be limited. Your freedom to contact certain other people would not be allowed. Your freedom to own a home in a nicer part of your city would be cancelled. Your freedom to own, let alone drive a car would taken away. Your freedom to have access to the internet would be stripped. Your freedom to dine out in finer restaurants limited or gone. Your children would likely be taken from you. Your freedom to use a bank of your choice would be stripped. Your freedom to access your savings would be limited. Your freedom to access your gov't pension would be stripped. Your freedom to travel outside your county would be gone. Your freedom to express your opinion would be cancelled. And if you don't believe that these things and many many more restrictions would be placed upon you, all you need to do is look at China.
By the way, I'm not saying not to post, in fact, I wish everyone would do the opposite and start shouting from the rooftops! I only made this thread to point out exactly what the social credit system will look like, if we allow it to happen.
It's always entertaining to me, and a bit disappointing, to see someone come in with a high value, high effort post only to have some idiot stomp on his head for having a pro liberty stance. The idiot then turns it around and pretends he was the one speaking for liberty. We are indeed infiltrated on this site with with CCP shills that don't want you to think.
The social credit score system is a real threat to America, and you know it.
Thanks for the thoughtful post, u/CanuckGop.
Thank you. You know, I'll take partial responsibility for all the negative crap I've taken for posting the thread. After all, maybe I didn't word it as best I could.... But damn....