President Trump..." I watched that craggy smug face of Woodward as he"bullshits" the public and said to myself, "I wonder if history will really believe this stuff?"...
🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸

Russia Russia Russia...
Final Draft of the A.G. Bill of Complaint Exhibit annex prepared by Mike Lindell associated lawyers is available on https://frankspeech.com/ (links below)
Exhibit 4 is off the chart...
Declaration of Col. John R. Mills (USAR) 21 November 2021
21 / There is also a possible intersection between the expanding remote access operations and capabilities with the spying effort directed toward President Trump in 2016. I also was present and a witness to several events in what has become known as “Spygate” or “Russiagate”. Within days of the November 2016 election, I was asked to participate in urgent inter-agency meeting to produce a Russian connection narrative, through the finalization of an Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) which has now been established as being composed of false statements17 from Mr. John Brennan and Mr. James Comey. I have presented extensive evidence to U.S. Attorney for Connecticut, Mr. John Durham chronologizing these events.
31 / All this work was the foundation of remote access at a massive scale – some of which overwhelmed, skirted, or was complicit with murkiness of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA)34 process. I knew and trusted many of the leaders overseeing these operations at the time but was also disturbed to find out later about the participation of some of these trusted, senior leaders in nefarious palace intrigue that leveraged these capabilities for personal political agendas. For example, in early 2018, General (Ret) Hayden sat 24 – 36 inches away from me coordinating his daily talking points in his almost daily phone call with James Comey, John Brennan, and others in their coordinated efforts to topple President Donald J. Trump.
Lindell associated attorney Kurt Olsen, one of the Bill of Complaint authors, stated in the 7:00 PM CT Thanksathon segment that Col Mills has whistle blower status in regard to the Durham Investigation.
Attorney Kurt Olsen Interview (Highlight of Day 1 of Thankathon)
https://frankspeech.com/video/attorney-kurt-olsen-mike-lindell-and-brannon-howse-reveal-explain-and-discuss-peoples-us (1 hr 52 min)
Exhibit 4
Exhibits / Bill of Complaint
A.G Bill of Complaint / Final Draft (not filed at this time)