Lord thank you for giving the Warlocks&Wizards, the weaponised autists of 4chan, and every digital soldier in this war the power to fight on. We will protect the children, and drag as many as we can from the darkness, for so long as we can survive under the machinations of the demonic cabal.
Welcome to the weekly round up on human trafficking. Friday isn't too much of a long one this time, bit it is eventful. As always, you can catch up on the rest of the week below in the ICYMI section. On with the news!
News for Friday, 26th November 2021
- Maxwell trial starts Monday. Get ready for Eyes on, frens: https://youtu.be/L1vqqu7WwmQ
- Europol - a four day Europol op across 29 countries has netted 212 arrests for human traffickers, identified another 89 suspects, and identified 593 adults and 57 children as human trafficking victims: https://archive.md/pZu7H
- Belgium - ten Vietnamese suspects are being investigated for human trafficking using the same method that led to the deaths of 39 migrants in the UK: https://archive.md/oClzy
- Thailand - six girls in Thailand and Cambodia were rescued by Destiny Rescue: https://archive.md/GEjPH
- 🚨AMBER ALERT🚨 Australia - police seek assistance finding a 17 month old baby: https://archive.md/x0iFN
- Australia pt 2 - a Tazmanian man has been charged for his alleged involvement in an online child exploitation ring: https://archive.md/Sw2md
- Australia pt 3 - Central Coast man charged with effectively solicitation of a minor: https://archive.md/UCmnB
- Australia pt 4 - Victoria man charged with possession of "child abuse material": https://archive.md/ZPFq4
- Australia pt 5 - Sunshine Coast man also charged with possession of child abuse materials: https://archive.md/9wlBF
- Australia pt 6 - and for the triple, Queens land man arrested for, you guessed it, possession of child abuse material: https://archive.md/FpD5b
And for those who haven't guessed yet "child abuse material" is aussie police speak for child porn basically.
ICYMI - News from the rest of the week
1.Cambodia - the 100 Thai trafficking victims from last week are now back home in Thailand as of yesterday: https://archive.md/LFoeL
- English Channel - French navy picks up 4 traffickers responsible for manslaughter after a ship sinks in the English Channel making the crossing: https://archive.md/jD0JF
- London, England - met police begin 16 day domestic abuse crackdown today: https://archive.md/OuEcu
- Libya/Nigeria - 330 Nigerians are being repatriated to Nigeria, and 1000 have been repatriated this month alone. This includes human trafficking victims: https://archive.md/v9WRZ
- Italy - 40 arrested across Italy and Sardinia, cracking major trafficking ring. Over 40 women were forced into prostitution by the gang, which used "voodoo rites" to scare its victims into compliance: https://archive.md/naLqT
- Nashville, Tennessee, USA - four men arrested for promoting prostitution. Several women now being provided support from two local aid groups: https://archive.md/DZPpC
- Canada - 26 people, including a teacher and a school worker, arrested for child sex abuse charges: https://archive.md/KfNtM
- Uganda - 35 girls rescued from prostitution between the ages of 12 and 17 by Destiny Rescue: https://archive.md/FMqmE
- Nigeria - a husband and wife, along with two other family members, arrested for trafficking a 13 yr old to Burkina Faso for prostitution: https://archive.md/RfHuh
- United Kingdom - as a result of a two year operation, 5 men arrested for modern slavery and drug charges across England. 5 Vietnamese slaves rescued: https://archive.md/KNIGi
- Netherlands - a couple face 7 years in prison for human trafficking operation. They sought out vulnerable women who were forced into prostitution, while boys seeking a career in football would do the operational work. The couple also filmed the household, and convinced the boys (including minors) to have sex with the girls, in order to produce child pornography: https://archive.md/hJGav 1.International news - 636 migrants between October 23 and November 9th, mostly from Venezuela and Brazil, caught in California and Mexico. These consisted of men, women and children in groups ranging from under 50 to over 90 in size. Several traffickers caught: https://archive.md/Mutvq
- Flint, Michigan, USA - two men face multiple criminal charges for "sextortion racket" of teenage girls: https://archive.md/9JKO2
- California - this has done the rounds on a few posts but it is a tactical nuke if true. https://www.vocaroo.com/19Eb0eQWrmoR is an audio recording of Richie Albertini and a CPS agent discussing: the Odyssey 1 club, the Viper room club, Cory Feldman's involvement in the rape of Cory Haim with Dominick Brascia, Peter Greene committing a ritual killing and eating brains, and gavin newsome+pelosis+eric garcetti covering up murders of Paul Baressi, ex playgirl model turned pi. Mad stuff, but if true its a boom and a half. Pol dig: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/348698850#p348710390 seemed to have high shill volume which tends to mean over target in most cases lately.
- Maxwell case is starting to shake up media. Courtlistener docs for us vs maxwell: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/17318376/united-states-v-maxwell/?filed_after=&filed_before=&entry_gte=&entry_lte=&order_by=desc and for giuffre vs maxwell (large portion unsealed in july now hitting news) : https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4355835/giuffre-v-maxwell/, huffpost now starting to report on the latter but not former: https://archive.md/buAiY
- 🚨AMBER ALERT 🚨: Manchester, Connecticut, USA - 14, 5'3" Kimberly Claudio: Please keep an eye out: https://t.me/ENDHUMANTRAFFICKING/6472
- Norfolk, Virginia, USA: local navy lt commander arrested on sex trafficking charges. Devolution cleaning up house?Time will tell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN6IB0mdCtk
- Savannah, Georgia, USA - Operation "Blooming Onion" results in 24 defendants indicted, 100 victims slaved from "modern slavery" (also known as just 'slavery') : https://archive.md/KB9LD
- Serbia/Macedonia - 4 human traffickers accused of torturing migrants have been arrested. https://archive.md/GzZwu
- Hanford, California, USA - 8 arrested in child prostitution undercover operation: https://archive.md/G0QQC
- Netherlands - 21 men on trial for sex with a minor, this one is worrying, claiming she's voluntarily doing it: https://archive.md/krYw9
- Hawaii, USA: 11 arrested in prostitution sting op: https://archive.md/qHWBj
- Nigeria - two infants saved from two traffickers: https://archive.md/99QdQ
- Uganda - 33 trafficking victims rescued: https://archive.md/ISoE5
- USA - Kevin Spacey is back in the news, court forcing him to pay 31m to House of Cards producer for sexual harassment lawsuit: https://archive.md/q3C9q
- Arizona, USA - I covered this a month ago or so but Operation Deja Boo has now netted 33 arrests: https://archive.md/LeGhJ
- Phoenix, Arizona, USA - 30 child sex related arrests made by HSI: https://archive.md/8tXBl
- South Africa - kidnapping on the rise in a big way, wonder what could be the reasoning here: https://archive.md/mrZ9f
- Hillsborough County, Florida, USA - six caught in child predator sting op: https://archive.fo/c3220
- Egypt - one of the darker sides of human trafficking, organ harvesting gang busted, included 3 doctors. 25 victims identified: https://archive.fo/xRKkG
- Roseville, Minnesota, USA - man arrested for sex trafficking: https://archive.fo/X8ilQ
- Albania - four arrests made on human trafficking ring: https://archive.fo/uLwLH
- Destiny rescue does another secret bit of support to help free 141 children: https://archive.fo/qh9Ez
- Hyderabad, India - Hyderabad police rescued five victims, who were forcefully involved in sexual activities: https://archive.md/qy7fP
- Lucknow, India - International trafficking network busted, South African based Bangladeshi under investigation: https://archive.md/nv45b
- Pune, India - Sex racket busted; 2 minors rescued, 4 pimps held: https://archive.fo/T7x1W
- Kolkata, India - 20 children rescued and ten child traffickers caught: https://archive.fo/3PZFD
- Hyderabad, India - two rescued from child labour : https://archive.fo/HDnmI
- TIRUPATI, India - a newborn baby girl abducted from the government hospital premises at Adoni has been rescued: https://archive.fo/9kgkm
- Hull, England - local grooming gangs targeting primary schoolers, and ex head of CEOPS says police need to double down and go to war against 34 gang members: https://archive.fo/f0P4f
- Romania - large scale operations against trafficking has been ongoing. Over 400 search warrants, and over 350 arrest warrants served: https://archive.fo/QaHVU
- Swindon, England - 3 arrested for trafficking and running a brothel, 3 victims saved: https://archive.fo/jYGn2
- Topeka, Kansas, USA - human trafficking sting op nets 3 men, including a registered sex offender: https://archive.md/fSZcH
- Hillsborough County, Florida, USA - six men arrested for online solicitation of a minor in sting op: https://archive.fo/PRYRy
- France - 15 held after human trafficking sting op centered around a syndicate trafficking migrants to Britain: https://archive.fo/pkte8
- Seattle, Washington, USA - 2 teens rescued, 2 traffickers arrested: https://archive.md/FjOfp
- Pensacola, Florida, USA - two men plead guilty to child porn production: https://archive.md/IrNhu
- Philippines - the Quiboloy scandal continues as the government offers assistance to the US government over the child aex scandal revealed last week: https://archive.md/te4Y4
- England - 12 pedos convicted: https://archive.md/Keoew
- Casablanca, Morocco - 13 human traffickers arrested: https://archive.md/FK07o
- South Africa - police report 2000 cases of kidnapping were raised between July and September this year: https://archive.md/WKkmQ
- Bengal, India - 10 arrested, including a former mayor's daughter, for selling newborns from a hospital: https://archive.md/do84Q
- Noida, India - 3 arrested in human trafficking ring bust: https://archive.md/T1MJE
- Bhogpur, India - two minors rescued bringing the total to 50 in the region for the year: https://archive.md/9YqYp
- Uttar Pradesh, India - anti terror squad arrests Airport customer service executive for their involvement in a human trafficking racket. Courts granted 10 more days to interrogate him over other airport staff suspected to be involved in the racket: https://archive.md/nPLbM
- Guwahati, India - 20 arrested in human trafficking racket, 546 saved including women and children, between January and October this year in the region alone: https://archive.md/CJKpQ
- Saving Israel for last: Human trafficking ring exposed where Ukrainian nationals are being trafficked for prostitution. This is an odd one, the haaretz articles now up are about prostitution crack downs and a Ukrainian woman claiming to be a victim being treated as the criminal by . Its looking odd: https://archive.md/TCqV5 and what I found on haaretz with a search for human trafficking: https://archive.md/YHgbV
- Also Israel: an orthodox sect, the Haredi community, has been dealing with more and more child abuse scandals erupting against highly influential members of the sect: https://archive.md/KTlXs
If you see something, say something
US contact details
NCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678 NCMEC Cybertiplines: https://report.cybertip.org/ or https://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline or call 1-800-THE-LOST National Human Trafficking Hotline: 888-373-7888 or humantraffickinghotline.org HSI/ICE toll-free hotline: 1-866-DHS-2ICE | Anonymous toll-free ICE Tip Line: (866) 347-2423 Tip Form: https://www.ice.gov/webform/ice-tip-form#wcm-survey-target-id
United Kingdom contact details
Urgent: 101 or Contact the Modern Slavery Helpline confidentially: 08000 121700 (24/7) https://www.modernslaveryhelpline.org/helplines Children support: 0800 1111 | Adults concerned about a child: 0808 800 5000 | https://www.nspcc.org.uk/ Report CSAM: https://report.iwf.org.uk/en/ | https://www.met.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/ Scotland Police: https://www.scotland.police.uk/contact-us/
Interpol, Europol, & EU contact details
Contact Interpol: https://www.interpol.int/Contacts/Contact-INTERPOL https://www.interpol.int/What-you-can-do/If-you-need-help Europol tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000 | https://www.europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime EU Hotlines: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/citizens-corner-national-hotlines/national-hotlines_en
South Africa contact details
South African National Human Trafficking Hotline: 0800222777 | https://0800222777.org.za/
Global contact details
Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers: https://www.abolishion.org/human_trafficking_hotline_numbers Global: List of Emergency Telephone numbers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emergency_telephone_numbers
#12 4chan link is 404'd :((
Edit: I'm afraid of the audio link...