36 Cronus - god of the harvest, also known as Saturn O M I Cron posted 3 years ago by DroppsaDuece 3 years ago by DroppsaDuece +37 / -1 The globalists love all things Saturn / Satan. Cron, Cronus….Time for a harvest? 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I've written extensively on this in the past...
You missed something.
What is GEOTUS nickname for HRC?
Crooked Hillary, or the crooked one
Another name for cronus/satan is THE CROOKED ONE.
He also mentioned 'getting back stolen time'.
Again, referencing cronus, the time keeper.
In the Bible, the FINAL BOSS to be defeated is death.
Death = time. Without time, there is no death.
It's another way of saying that the last enemy to be defeated is 'satan'.
That said, your thread is a bit off, because its broken apart this way:
Omicron means little O.
I think Cronus is also the Grim Reaper. Pictured often with a scythe. He's the one eyed god too.
Correct, the scythe = harvest
Nice words. But we defeated satan by being fearless and love in our hearts. God won with this truth being in our minds. Now for moar monkeys to come on board.