I watched the first 7 min. Seems the story is that he is a clean living no drugs positive mindset guy who thinks he is very good but his first album tanked because hi wouldn't sell his soul to satin and rap about drugs and crime and sex. So he is doing a one take, 20 minute song to show how talented he is and gives the bird to the major labels. At least that's my take.
I watched the first 7 min. Seems the story is that he is a clean living no drugs positive mindset guy who thinks he is very good but his first album tanked because hi wouldn't sell his soul to satin and rap about drugs and crime and sex. So he is doing a one take, 20 minute song to show how talented he is and gives the bird to the major labels. At least that's my take.
Yes he ripped another artist for being a sellout and the dude got so possed that he flew out and pulled a gun on him and made him say sorry
Here is the song that caused the holdup