The Kyle Rittenhouse affair should have been laid to bed with the innocent verdict. He should be quietly suing the pants off those that defamed him, but it should not be public.
This shit right here in Congress does one thing. It keeps the divisive rhetoric pumping. You would think congress critters would be smart enough to figure that out, and just maybe they have but continued division and fighting was their fucking goal.
The people united are stronger than any enemy, and UNITED means everyone of us not just those of us that have believed and called ourselves patriots for the last many years. You don't bring the normies into the fold by continually pumping out shit to piss them or us off.
The Kyle Rittenhouse affair should have been laid to bed with the innocent verdict. He should be quietly suing the pants off those that defamed him, but it should not be public.
This shit right here in Congress does one thing. It keeps the divisive rhetoric pumping. You would think congress critters would be smart enough to figure that out, and just maybe they have but continued division and fighting was their fucking goal.
The people united are stronger than any enemy, and UNITED means everyone of us not just those of us that have believed and called ourselves patriots for the last many years. You don't bring the normies into the fold by continually pumping out shit to piss them or us off.