Mom had an emergency Thanksgiving eve. As much as we have been avoiding hospitals, she had some kind of internal bleeding and she had to go in.
ER doc asked about her vaccine status and when she told him no vaccines, he got pissed and started to berate her. I made him stop, got her thru the intake process and off she goes to her room.
They have resolved her issue and she is slated to come home tomorrow. She just called me in a panic because the patient across the hall just passed away - from COVID. She has been there for 4 days.
Luckily, I have an appointment with our doc on Monday morning and am hoping to get Ivermectin as prophylaxis to head off any bad germs that may have gotten to her (or me as a visitor).
My question... why on earth would they have a COVID patient with non-infected patients? I know they won't take responsibility if she were to catch it.
Sorry. So pissed right now.
This is darkness, and this is what the dark looks like. It is things like Incomprehensible logic, forcible compliance, and compassionate-seeming smiles that hide ravenous teeth. It is preferring the lie even when it is obviously wrong and making things worse. It is making others responsible for your happiness and wellbeing, and committing outrages to save your own status and income. It is getting angry with others who challenge your choices by their non-compliance or spoken opposition. It is self-preservation spurning love. it is violence masquerading as peace. It is lies disguised as the truth. It is giving away your brain in choosing to believe that upside down is right side up because someone told you it's better that way. They say, "you shall not surely die," but you will surely die, all you who have chosen to believe in falsehoods. You shall die alone in the darkness you have embraced, never seeing the truth that you were actually embracing death. But far worse for you who were not content to die alone, you who knew you were dealing out death and did it anyway. The blood of the innocents you deceived or forced to harm themselves will forever be on your hands, crying out for justice, and there is no fantasy that can ever silence the red voice that condemns you and no lie that can ever wash it off. The One Who Listens will have you in the end.
Congratulations for getting out of the hospital with both your lives. The poor patient across the hall didn't have an advocate like you, and they killed her. You saved your mom, and that's not a little thing. The world needs more people who will stand up and not cave into the pressure to comply. It's not that hard to plant your feet and say no.