Jesus was a Jew who ate with sinners and called out the establishment religion with vitriol and did not mince words. He also said to sell all your possessions, pick up your cross and follow Him.
No, he was not a total hippie like some people see, but He wasn't a Republican voting gun toting white man either. Nor did He seem at all interested or concerned with the acquisition of personal wealth. I mean He even instructed people to pay their taxes...
I'm not going to pretend to know the Will of God, however the original post isn't wrong. You should never use fear to teach the love of God.
"Woodstock Theology" continues and is promoted by demons. What is beautiful is to see many of the youth reject it. Wake up hippies and "sin NO MORE"*
*Jesus Christ
Jesus was a Jew who ate with sinners and called out the establishment religion with vitriol and did not mince words. He also said to sell all your possessions, pick up your cross and follow Him.
No, he was not a total hippie like some people see, but He wasn't a Republican voting gun toting white man either. Nor did He seem at all interested or concerned with the acquisition of personal wealth. I mean He even instructed people to pay their taxes...
I'm not going to pretend to know the Will of God, however the original post isn't wrong. You should never use fear to teach the love of God.
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom read Proverbs.