Source is I heard from multiple investigators.
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I had an episode of sleep paralysis many years ago. I don't know for certain whether I was awake or dreaming, but I was where I thought I was -- in bed, in the middle of the night, with a window near the foot of the bed. I was lying on my back and there was something shadowy pressing on my chest that I could still easily see through. I was totally unable to take a breath or move. I mentally thought, "In the Name of Jesus Christ, begone!" Instantly, the pressure was gone and I could breathe again. It was pretty scary.
Fast-forward to two years ago...I was diagnosed with sleep apnea after suffering for a couple of years with insomnia. I now use a CPAP machine and I sleep like a baby now. And, no, I'm not overweight. Quite the opposite, as a matter of fact. It took several years for my doctor to figure it out, mainly because I didn't fit the mold whatsoever for sleep apnea.
Now, was my original episode simply sleep paralysis brought on by sleep apnea, or something else all those years ago? Who knows? All I can say is, my invocation immediately caused it to go away.
I've also experienced another odd phenomenon. I'm asleep, but I'm dreaming I'm exactly where I am physically. I get this total feeling of dread come over me, like I absolutely don't want to be where I am. However, I have no control over my body and I can't move. Then, it's like I have an invisible cord coming out of my head and something takes hold of it. It will spin me around in circles on top of the bed, then drag me over the side of the bed and continue to pull me around. When I wake up, I'm still in bed. It's really weird and spooky.
Read about astral projection. The cord sure sounds like the tether of the spiritual body to the physical one. Unsure if you are unwittingly having out of body experiences or what. I’m super interested in what you think, please either reply back or dm after you get a chance to look into it. I used to be super into trances and trying to astrally project (before I was a believer) and I had a few very creepy experiences that made me shut all that down and never try again.
I suggest a very strong connection with Jesus Christ and live almost like a Mennonite to handle astral projection, telepathy, remote viewing, xcetera without having emotional or demonic baggage.