Source is I heard from multiple investigators.
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What you are describing is not what OP posted or claimed. He says nothing about a "heart felt appeal". In fact, states the opposite. "Demons (aliens too) can be stopped instantly by saying or thinking "Jesus Christ" regardless of the persons faith or spirituality, majority were atheists". The words are magic, at least at close range. Otherwise, I would already have exorcized the neighbors.
I guess OP can answer for himself, and you demonstrate that I definitely stretched a bit on the interpretation. Even so, he implies that the phenomenon is linked to a person's prayer for themselves. So I think my paraphrasing of Twain still applies. But we'll see if OP chimes in.
I don't want to speak for everyone but investigators claimed it was 90% found a belief in Jesus Christ when they were being actively attacked by demon sometimes for hours or repeatedly for years at the worste.
I'm on board with this. My own awakening to spirit confirms it. But for materially-minded people, defining an objective standard for "attacked by demons" is a challenge. As ever, the devil is in the details.
“I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.”