Between hyperinflation and vax mandates it’s hard for me to be motivated in my general life.
I was a really goal oriented person when Trump was in office but right now with the Resident in it just feels in many ways pointless to make long term goals. I mean with both the DS and the Patriots needing the dollar to implode I just don’t feel motivated to strive for better currently cause it just seems pointless.
My life is pretty much oriented to avoiding the jab and trying to accumulate as much prepping materials, silver, bitcoin, Ethereum, GME and DWAC as I can. My semi normie Dad last night asked me where my drive in life has gone but it’s hard to explain cause he doesn’t really get what is going on.
Until the storm passes idk how I am supposed to make any long term goals.
Anyone else feel the same?
Late 70s here and alone now, and thankful that I was able to live on earth when life was good. Those days are gone now, probably forever since those now in power glorify and honor corruption and perversion.
I was aware of the downward slide many years ago and when Trump came down that escalator I thought maybe we had a chance to recover what was lost. But he didn't have enough followers in the government to continue his winning ways. I don't expect he'll be back, but am grateful for his giving us a few years of serenity before the total end of the USA.
These days I just go for my walks, read a lot of books, enjoy my pets and plants, check the headlines and ignore most of the news. I pretty much agree with your own orientations avoiding the jab, staying healthy with natural means and remaining self sufficient. I have many happy memories of earlier years so am not depressed, just sad that it hasn't continued.