Open Your Eyes
Comments (15)
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Shared on fb . In less than a minute 30 day ban. Lol over target.
I've been thinking lately we have been talking about the children. We can't lose sight of them.
Very well done. I had tears welling up in my eyes halfway through it.
Anyone able to clarify the Hanks note “not allowed to talk”?
Im lucky... I was raised to not worship or praise hollywood... I grew up with very little tv...
Thanks for mentioning. Some of us have seen too much already. We do not need to be more angry or upset.
agreed, could at least use a NSFW tag
Feel like everyone should see it we pissed yet?
Exactly! This stuff has been hidden in the shadows for to long. It time for an awakening!
Thank You! Excellent video!
Soooo many people will NOT be able to handle coming revelations. Cognitive Dissonance anyone?