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mossad has owned the CIA since Day One
Calling Mossad the top is like calling the outer second head of Hydra the "main head". Mossad is not the top of anything. If there is a true "leader" to Hydra, it's not anyone that has any public presence whatsoever.
To suggest that the Mossad arm is above the C_A arm misses the whole structure that the evidence suggests. The evidence suggests that all intelligence agencies are controlled by the Families. I have seen no evidence of a hierarchy of "arms." Does someone/something control the Families other than their beliefs (i.e. actual direct commands)? I don't know. Maybe.
Of course plenty of people think that must be true and that the leader is a Demon/Fallen Angel/Anunnaki/Alien/Dragon/Spirit/Demiurge/whatever named Satan, or Lucifer, or Enki, or Baal, or Bel, or Molloch, or whatever, but the actual evidence is not clear. In my mind its a definite maybe.
But I have seen no evidence that supports the statement "Mossad has owned the C_A since Day One" in any meaningful sense.
The C_A was started by merging the military intelligence unit (OSS) with the Nazi intelligence unit. While I have no doubts whatsoever that Mossad is a part of the same beast, to call C_A Mossad, or even Nazi is inappropriate according to the evidence. The C_A is the intelligence gathering/drug running/child trafficking/covert war running arm of The Cabal, just like MI6, Mossad, former Nazi intelligence, etc.
Great comment. I've always wondered what exactly is at the top, since if there were all these demonic things running around, where are the leaked videos.
But it's a definite maybe.