I'm sorry but, while I agree that having sexual relations with teenage girls is immoral, these little 16-17 year old massage sessions that led to other things are hardly what got our blood boiling about Epstein and his island.
We've seen video images of pre-pubescent children in a dungeon beneath that place. We've heard of torture. If this is the entirety of the case against Maxwell--that she helped groom post-pubescent practically adults already teenagers to sleep with her wealthy boss, then I don't really know what to hope for out of this. Send her to jail for a few years, yeah. But without the charges of actually trafficking, raping, and torturing pre-pubescent children why the fuck should I honestly care?
Sorry but teenage girls have sex with adult men all the time and while the men belong in jail, the girls usually grow up just fine, sometimes even very proud of themselves for their accomplishment. Until they cry about it a few years later hoping to capitalize financially or socially. If that's all this case is about it's just gonna be a fart in the wind.
I have a feeling that this will lead to the introducing of other things. There is just no way after everything we know, these horrors are not exposed.
I don't know about you but I'm starting to get used to disappointment. I know it could all finally happen in one fell swoop one day but I have to admit, I'm losing faith in Trump more every day, even while gaining more faith in Q. I'm just not sure what to think about Trump anymore.
I am impatient but I trust Trump. I have seen to much information and videos on Trump to believe he is not a White Hat. He cares for our Country, always has. I strongly feel he cares deeply for all of the trafficked children.
I want all those things to be true. My pile of reasons for not trusting him completely are growing though.
Although I will say, no great man was ever without controversy.
"The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’" Luke 7:34
Actually, 16 years old is the age of consent in most U.S. states. In some states it's 17, and only in 12 states is the age of consent 18. Believe it or not...
The key with the Maxwell/Epstein case is the lack of actual consent, however.
I'm aware. But the age of consent only applies to people less than 10 years older than them if I'm not mistaken. Again though, even more reason not to care about this case if that's all it's about.
Those types of age difference restrictions vary from state-to-state, but yes, those exist in some of the states. In this case, aside from the consent issues, is the fact that they are dealing with federal law (not state). It seems 18 is, for the most part, where federal law draws the line. But still, I get your point – the victims in the Maxwell trial/charges are not the very young children that we know of, and the sick events that took place on Epstein's island seem to still be left in the dark. Hopefully, we'll get there yet though.
If they were going to bring up the things we've been told/shown wouldn't they have had to charge her with those crimes already? Torture, kidnapping, child pornography....there must be a host of charges related to what the island is reputed to be. And the defense would have to know about all that, too through discovery. Unless the prosecution plans to not enter that stuff until later? But that's a dangerous game for both sides to play.
IMO They are not after her any more, they are after the others and an awakening of the public.
Agree. But hoping the honeypot blackmail schemes come out. That’s what the girls were being groomed for. I dunno. Not impressed with judge. Come daughter as one of prosecutors not comfy.
I felt the same way when I read the prosecutors opening. Like others, I'm hoping one thing will lead to another and things will get exposed but I'm not holding out a lot of hope.