1958 - 1962 Britannia Royal Naval College (18 - 22 yr.)
1962 - 1976 Royal Navy (22 to 36 years old)
1973 - 1977 The Warship / Co-creator / Writer BBC TV-Drama / Navy / 33 yr
1976 - A Slaying in September / Novel / 36 yr
1978 - Alliance Creator / Writer ITV TV Detective-Mystery Series / 38 yr
1978 / 1980 The Sandbaggers Creator / Writer / ITV TV / Espionage / 38 yr
1979 - Thundercloud Creator / Executive Producer / ITV TV WWII Navy / 38 yr
1979 - 7 July 1979 / Died? / Airplane Crash? / 38 yr
1st question.
Ian Mackintosh was / is a white hat.
2nd question.
If Ian Mackintosh were still alive he would be 81 years old, so it is certainly possible.
Below timestamped links to Episode 5 Season 2 of The Sandbaggers. Before Mackintosh disappeared in July of 1979 he had already written the scripts for Season 2 and the first three scripts for Season 3 (broadcast in the spring (S2) and summer (S3) of 1980.
This episode aired 7 months after Mackintosh disappeared. Not much of a stretch to assume his personal analysis is reflected in the dialog.
What I personally find interesting and intriguing is how this extremely prolific creator / producer / writer of Naval Operations (current and WWII), Espionage and Detective Mysteries...
and then 35000 miles away and 5 years later (1984) this insurance salesman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Clancy writes this book https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hunt_for_Red_October about submarines, warships, aircraft carriers, naval intelligence, satellite ocean surveillance, the SOSUS (Sound Surveillance System), espionage and the defection of high ranking Russian Naval officers.
writes a fourth book, in the researching of he was hosted in Israel by its Intelligence Services and provided assistance in his research... writes this book https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sum_of_All_Fears (1991)
with the following dedication:
"For Mike and Peggy Rogers, a sailor and his lady---
and all the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces, because
the noblest of ideas have always been protected by warriors"
It is unclear exactly when Rogers and Clancy become acquainted..
Was it before or after Roger's 1986 Naval Officer Designator changed from Surface Warfare Officer / Unrestricted Line to Special Duty Officer /Cryptology 1610 / Restricted Line.
1978 1979 1984 1986 1987 1989 1991
Anybody out there got a degree in comparative linguistics and want to take a stab at comparing Mackintosh's writing stylistics and Clancy's writing stylistics.
Just sayin...
As long as we're sitting around watching a movie... may as well write one of our own.
Concerning Adm Rogers statement about a "shooting in Texas two months earlier, here is a list of shooting that predate the June speech.
March 20: In Lancaster, someone fired shots from a vehicle into a crowd, killing one and injuring six.
March 26: Six days later, four men were shot by three other men near an elementary school in Amarillo.
April 24: A Killeen man allegedly went on a rampage at his apartment building, killing two and injuring three, including his girlfriend. The accused had been arrested on murder, robbery, and firearms charges in the past.
May 3: Two groups got into an argument at a Houston nightclub. Later, as one group drove away, members fired multiple rounds at the other group, standing on the sidewalk. Six were injured.
May 17: Texas’ biggest mass shooting of the year took place outside a Twin Peaks “reastaurant” in Waco, where nine people died and eighteen were wounded in a biker gang battle. You probably heard about this one; it made national headlines and was 2015’s third most deadly mass shooting nationwide.
All below was analysis that finally lead to being able to get the right search terminology to find the speech announcement in the link top of comment.
When the Toby Cosgrove is announce by an off camera speaker he is identified as "Cleveland Clinic CEO and President Toby Cosgrove."
The video written identification as "past CEO and President" is misleading since there is not annotation that the video is from 2015 and not 2021.
And none of that gets us any closer to reconciling Peggy / Dana.
Analysis of speech content argues for July 2015 date of speech:
Summer Whites - this bumps the 3 Feb 2018 date - would not be in white.
Cannot reconcile doc with a 3 Feb 2018 ref date / reject this data point.
Makes a remark about a theoretical instance of having to consult with the A.G. and without mentioning a name says, "So, I would go to the A.G. and say 'Ma'mm, Here's the situation..." Loretta Lynch time frame - 2015
Makes a remark on coming up on 30 years in the intelligence field. Date of Designator change to 1610 was 1986 - 1986 to 2015 is 29 years.
Makes a reference to the shooting two months earlier in Texas... see link.
In the wiki article about the Waco Shootout the following, shoot out broke out at 12:27 PM CDT May 17, 2015. If this is the shooting Adm. Rogers is referring to then the speech could be in July.
On 24 June 2015 Adm Rogers has been Commander, U.S. Cyber Command and Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service since April 2014.
14 Months.
Watch the video starting at 33: 26 when the question and answers segment of the presentation starts...
Blond woman, first questioner. Look to the right and up. Woman in light blue.
That's Gina Haspel. She becomes CIA Director 26 April 2018.
There is a whole in her bio from 7 May 2013 to 2 Feb 2017. Here's her wiki page... I can't find what she was doing between those dates... but there she is sitting in the audience for this Adm Rogers speech.
Deja vu?
If anyone could have contributed to writing [planning] the movie we are all watching...
It was Ian Mackintosh.
You believe mackintosh is a white hat and still alive?
1940 - 26 July 1940 / Ian Mackintosh / Born
1958 - 1962 Britannia Royal Naval College (18 - 22 yr.)
1962 - 1976 Royal Navy (22 to 36 years old)
1973 - 1977 The Warship / Co-creator / Writer BBC TV-Drama / Navy / 33 yr
1976 - A Slaying in September / Novel / 36 yr
1978 - Alliance Creator / Writer ITV TV Detective-Mystery Series / 38 yr
1978 / 1980 The Sandbaggers Creator / Writer / ITV TV / Espionage / 38 yr
1979 - Thundercloud Creator / Executive Producer / ITV TV WWII Navy / 38 yr
1979 - 7 July 1979 / Died? / Airplane Crash? / 38 yr
1st question.
Ian Mackintosh was / is a white hat.
2nd question.
If Ian Mackintosh were still alive he would be 81 years old, so it is certainly possible.
Below timestamped links to Episode 5 Season 2 of The Sandbaggers. Before Mackintosh disappeared in July of 1979 he had already written the scripts for Season 2 and the first three scripts for Season 3 (broadcast in the spring (S2) and summer (S3) of 1980.
This episode aired 7 months after Mackintosh disappeared. Not much of a stretch to assume his personal analysis is reflected in the dialog.
It Couldn't Happen Here / 25 February 1980
https://youtu.be/tV7QMAE8FgY?t=43 (timestamp / start 00:43 to 04:24)
https://youtu.be/tV7QMAE8FgY?t=675 (timestamp / start 11:14 to 13:02)
What I personally find interesting and intriguing is how this extremely prolific creator / producer / writer of Naval Operations (current and WWII), Espionage and Detective Mysteries...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Mackintosh disappears off the face of the earth in the summer of 1979
and then 35000 miles away and 5 years later (1984) this insurance salesman
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Clancy writes this book
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hunt_for_Red_October about submarines, warships, aircraft carriers, naval intelligence, satellite ocean surveillance, the SOSUS (Sound Surveillance System), espionage and the defection of high ranking Russian Naval officers.
Insurance salesman - Blockbuster Navy, Espionage, Spy, Action Thriller
Insurance salesman - Blockbuster Navy, Espionage, Spy, Action Thriller
Insurance salesman - Blockbuster Navy, Espionage, Spy, Action Thriller
One more time...
Insurance salesman - Blockbuster Navy, Espionage, Spy, Action Thriller
Then, in 1991, this guy, after writing two more books...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Games (1987) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clear_and_Present_Danger (1989)
writes a fourth book, in the researching of he was hosted in Israel by its Intelligence Services and provided assistance in his research... writes this book
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sum_of_All_Fears (1991)
with the following dedication:
"For Mike and Peggy Rogers, a sailor and his lady--- and all the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces, because the noblest of ideas have always been protected by warriors"
Now that Mike Rogers is this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_S._Rogers
It is unclear exactly when Rogers and Clancy become acquainted..
Was it before or after Roger's 1986 Naval Officer Designator changed from Surface Warfare Officer / Unrestricted Line to Special Duty Officer /Cryptology 1610 / Restricted Line.
1978 1979 1984 1986 1987 1989 1991
Anybody out there got a degree in comparative linguistics and want to take a stab at comparing Mackintosh's writing stylistics and Clancy's writing stylistics.
Just sayin...
As long as we're sitting around watching a movie... may as well write one of our own.
Additional research links:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warship_(1973 BBC TV Series)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sandbaggers (1979 / 1980 ITV TV Series)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilde_Alliance (1978 ITV TV Series)
https://www.memorabletv.com/tv/thundercloud-itv-1979-derek-waring-sarah-douglas/ (1979 ITV TV Series)
Found it...
Cleveland Clinic Presents: Ideas for Tomorrow
June 24, 2015 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Cleveland Clinic invites you to attend this free event featuring
Admiral Michael Rogers Commander, U.S. Cyber Command and Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service
Concerning Adm Rogers statement about a "shooting in Texas two months earlier, here is a list of shooting that predate the June speech.
March 20: In Lancaster, someone fired shots from a vehicle into a crowd, killing one and injuring six.
March 26: Six days later, four men were shot by three other men near an elementary school in Amarillo.
April 24: A Killeen man allegedly went on a rampage at his apartment building, killing two and injuring three, including his girlfriend. The accused had been arrested on murder, robbery, and firearms charges in the past.
May 3: Two groups got into an argument at a Houston nightclub. Later, as one group drove away, members fired multiple rounds at the other group, standing on the sidewalk. Six were injured.
May 17: Texas’ biggest mass shooting of the year took place outside a Twin Peaks “reastaurant” in Waco, where nine people died and eighteen were wounded in a biker gang battle. You probably heard about this one; it made national headlines and was 2015’s third most deadly mass shooting nationwide.
All below was analysis that finally lead to being able to get the right search terminology to find the speech announcement in the link top of comment.
When the Toby Cosgrove is announce by an off camera speaker he is identified as "Cleveland Clinic CEO and President Toby Cosgrove."
The video written identification as "past CEO and President" is misleading since there is not annotation that the video is from 2015 and not 2021.
And none of that gets us any closer to reconciling Peggy / Dana.
Analysis of speech content argues for July 2015 date of speech:
Summer Whites - this bumps the 3 Feb 2018 date - would not be in white.
Cannot reconcile doc with a 3 Feb 2018 ref date / reject this data point.
Makes a remark about a theoretical instance of having to consult with the A.G. and without mentioning a name says, "So, I would go to the A.G. and say 'Ma'mm, Here's the situation..." Loretta Lynch time frame - 2015
Makes a remark on coming up on 30 years in the intelligence field. Date of Designator change to 1610 was 1986 - 1986 to 2015 is 29 years.
Makes a reference to the shooting two months earlier in Texas... see link.
In the wiki article about the Waco Shootout the following, shoot out broke out at 12:27 PM CDT May 17, 2015. If this is the shooting Adm. Rogers is referring to then the speech could be in July.
Seen this kind of stuff before
12:27 May 17, 2015
12:27 05 17, 2015
1+2+2+7+5 = 17
17 17 17
That and that view count on the video ...
What have you stumbled on?
Watch the video.
On 24 June 2015 Adm Rogers has been Commander, U.S. Cyber Command and Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service since April 2014.
14 Months.
Watch the video starting at 33: 26 when the question and answers segment of the presentation starts...
https://youtu.be/MpgnRnHyV84?t=2006 (timestamp / pause to freeze frame)
https://youtu.be/MpgnRnHyV84?t=2802 (timestamp / pause to freeze frame)
Blond woman, first questioner. Look to the right and up. Woman in light blue.
That's Gina Haspel. She becomes CIA Director 26 April 2018.
There is a whole in her bio from 7 May 2013 to 2 Feb 2017. Here's her wiki page... I can't find what she was doing between those dates... but there she is sitting in the audience for this Adm Rogers speech.
This may be the same jacket...
Compare the shape of the glasses in the video and in the photos below.
Why is Adm. Rogers addressing this audience?
What am I not understanding?
Why has this video only just been uploaded on 26 March 2021.
View count finally started to move off 6,666 views. That was freaky.
Too many rabbit holes, not enough time.
Gonna try and dig on this Cleveland Council for World Affairs and see what shakes out.
Tossing this off to you for now, v8power.