Western Canada has issues which would not be solved just by leaving Canada. Problems such as (you're probably already aware of these and others):
Alberta's head medical officer is beyond horrible. He basically got any ER doctor who actually treated patients for COVID removed to keep the death rate up and keep people in the ERs longer. He has clearly been infiltrated.
Major's of Calgary and Edmonton.
The violation of rights done to Pastor Artur Pawlowski in Alberta were done by local authorities, not federal ones. There are other examples such as those of Pastor James Coates. I also recall some church being harassed by authorities in Saskatchewan.
I'm not saying this to bash the West. Far from it. I would like to look to Western Canada as an option when things get too insane in Ontario but unfortunately, I see a lot of the same insanity there as I see in Ontario. I think the greater divide in Canada is urban versus rural. Whether in Alberta or Ontario, the people living in big cities seem to be pushing and supporting these horrible policies and politicians.
I fear for Canada as a whole. Looking at other parts of the world, such as US or even certain parts of Europe, people are waking up to the utter stupidity of what is happening. I don't see that in Canada (there are some waking up but it's just not that widespread at this point). I fear that I live in a country with the absolutely dumbest people in the world. And these dumb (or maybe just evil) people are not just concentrated in Ontario or Quebec, they are everywhere in Canada (though not necessarily in equal amounts).
Note that I am not arguing for Western Canada to remain a part of Canada. It may very well be a good idea not just for Western Canada but might send a message to the rest of Canada to shape up. My point is that on its own, the West leaving, would not solve all of the problems we are seeing right now.
You’re absolutely right, I think those problems stem from Calgary and Edmonton, which Ottawa has stuffed chock-a-block full of poos who hate us, hate our culture, hate our freedom, and enjoy all of the recent tyranny strictly because of how upset it makes native born whites. It’s worse than Bramptonistan.
My hope with wexit is that they see the writing on the wall: us leaving Ottawa means no more welfare and child tax credits for having 8 kids while working a superstore job. They all have to leave or they will starve under an economy that doesn’t subsidize dead weight. It would be like switching the lights on and seeing cockroaches scurry away.
Western Canada has issues which would not be solved just by leaving Canada. Problems such as (you're probably already aware of these and others):
Alberta's head medical officer is beyond horrible. He basically got any ER doctor who actually treated patients for COVID removed to keep the death rate up and keep people in the ERs longer. He has clearly been infiltrated.
Major's of Calgary and Edmonton.
The violation of rights done to Pastor Artur Pawlowski in Alberta were done by local authorities, not federal ones. There are other examples such as those of Pastor James Coates. I also recall some church being harassed by authorities in Saskatchewan.
I'm not saying this to bash the West. Far from it. I would like to look to Western Canada as an option when things get too insane in Ontario but unfortunately, I see a lot of the same insanity there as I see in Ontario. I think the greater divide in Canada is urban versus rural. Whether in Alberta or Ontario, the people living in big cities seem to be pushing and supporting these horrible policies and politicians.
I fear for Canada as a whole. Looking at other parts of the world, such as US or even certain parts of Europe, people are waking up to the utter stupidity of what is happening. I don't see that in Canada (there are some waking up but it's just not that widespread at this point). I fear that I live in a country with the absolutely dumbest people in the world. And these dumb (or maybe just evil) people are not just concentrated in Ontario or Quebec, they are everywhere in Canada (though not necessarily in equal amounts).
Note that I am not arguing for Western Canada to remain a part of Canada. It may very well be a good idea not just for Western Canada but might send a message to the rest of Canada to shape up. My point is that on its own, the West leaving, would not solve all of the problems we are seeing right now.
You’re absolutely right, I think those problems stem from Calgary and Edmonton, which Ottawa has stuffed chock-a-block full of poos who hate us, hate our culture, hate our freedom, and enjoy all of the recent tyranny strictly because of how upset it makes native born whites. It’s worse than Bramptonistan.
My hope with wexit is that they see the writing on the wall: us leaving Ottawa means no more welfare and child tax credits for having 8 kids while working a superstore job. They all have to leave or they will starve under an economy that doesn’t subsidize dead weight. It would be like switching the lights on and seeing cockroaches scurry away.