Because if a lifeform that resembled a fertilized egg, even a day old, was found on let's say Mars, it would be the most important scientific discovery in History.
Because if a lifeform that resembled a fertilized egg, even a day old, was found on let's say Mars, it would be the most important scientific discovery in History.
I wholeheartedly believe this to be true. My mom had a dream about me before I was born. In the dream her deceased father (a baptist preacher) came to her and told her she needed to have a c section or both her and her unborn daughter would die. She said she woke up crying from the dream. When I was born my mom had to have an emergency c section and I was born not breathing and was blue. If she had tried to have me natural (like my dad wanted) we both would have died. I feel like there was definitely divine intervention with her having that dream!