I am totally with you on this. My supplement taking is now well researched and on point.
Vitamin D is a must, although a couple years ago when I was dosing Vit D my annual routine blood test came back and my sheeple doctor said I was taking too much. He was actually alarmed by it.
I also think Zinc plus an ionophore is crucial for "COVID" prophylaxis. I use Quercitin as my daily ionophore but have some IVM just in case someone in my house gets the vid.
Mostly what I have found helpful by this effort, is adding iodine + selenium. I have really never felt better. Bought a book on the subject and it is amazing how much iodine does for us and how deficient most people are in it. Search for those posts here and it will take you down a good rabbit hole.
This whole thing sucks but the positive I am taking out of it is finding this community, and all of the knowledge I have gained from my frens.
I am totally with you on this. My supplement taking is now well researched and on point.
Vitamin D is a must, although a couple years ago when I was dosing Vit D my annual routine blood test came back and my sheeple doctor said I was taking too much. He was actually alarmed by it.
I also think Zinc plus an ionophore is crucial for "COVID" prophylaxis. I use Quercitin as my daily ionophore but have some IVM just in case someone in my house gets the vid.
Mostly what I have found helpful by this effort, is adding iodine + selenium. I have really never felt better. Bought a book on the subject and it is amazing how much iodine does for us and how deficient most people are in it. Search for those posts here and it will take you down a good rabbit hole.
This whole thing sucks but the positive I am taking out of it is finding this community, and all of the knowledge I have gained from my frens.