I asked this on another post…
Can someone explain this to me like I am Slo-Joe:
So Pfizer had evidence after 3 months from the start of the rollout / trial during Dec 20-Feb 21 that there were ~1200 deaths and thousands of AEs among the 42000 guinea pigs in this time period. Then they went on to conclude in this report that all is fine and proceed as planned. And the reason they could do this (apart form being an evil Bond movie mega corp whose power transcends law, government and ethics) is, as far as I can tell, is because they are essentially claiming those deaths and injuries were going to happen to those people anyway, during that time period of their lives, so correlation is not causation, plausible deniability, blah blah blah? Am I reading this correctly? The defence is “those victim-patients would have died / had heart attack / cardiological and neurological injuries / etc at that time anyway, regardless of the injectable products?”
I know that we all have a deeply ingrained need to ask and know "why"; but in the end, it doesn't matter.
I guarantee you these demons had an entire book (at least!) full of jargon-filled reasons explaining away all of these events and even more / worse / totally different outcomes.
All that matters, all that you have to fundamentally grasp is;
The beings doing this are literally satanic demons from hell, either dressed up as humans, or possessing human bodies. Doesn't matter.
They literally come from satan's side.
They are pure, unfettered evil.
Once you fully grasp this, everything being done in our world makes perfect sense.
Suggest instead of thinking about "why evil loves to be evil"; learn more about ballistics, trajectories, etc.
Because evil ain't going to go away on its own.
Again; NOT trying to be rude, dismissive, etc. nothing of the sort.
I know that we all have a deeply ingrained need to ask and know "why"; but in the end, it doesn't matter.>
This is so TRUE! We all want to believe in pure and good motives in people just as we may have. But the real truth is these evil demons are not like us in any way ... and they are in the positions of power in much of our society to do as much harm as possible.
Are you a child of God or one of them? As far as I know, you may still have a choice.
I asked this on another post… Can someone explain this to me like I am Slo-Joe:
So Pfizer had evidence after 3 months from the start of the rollout / trial during Dec 20-Feb 21 that there were ~1200 deaths and thousands of AEs among the 42000 guinea pigs in this time period. Then they went on to conclude in this report that all is fine and proceed as planned. And the reason they could do this (apart form being an evil Bond movie mega corp whose power transcends law, government and ethics) is, as far as I can tell, is because they are essentially claiming those deaths and injuries were going to happen to those people anyway, during that time period of their lives, so correlation is not causation, plausible deniability, blah blah blah? Am I reading this correctly? The defence is “those victim-patients would have died / had heart attack / cardiological and neurological injuries / etc at that time anyway, regardless of the injectable products?”
Not being snarky, sarcastic, rude; just blunt;
Why do pigs love the mud?
Does it matter why pigs love the mud?
I know that we all have a deeply ingrained need to ask and know "why"; but in the end, it doesn't matter.
I guarantee you these demons had an entire book (at least!) full of jargon-filled reasons explaining away all of these events and even more / worse / totally different outcomes.
All that matters, all that you have to fundamentally grasp is; The beings doing this are literally satanic demons from hell, either dressed up as humans, or possessing human bodies. Doesn't matter.
They literally come from satan's side.
They are pure, unfettered evil.
Once you fully grasp this, everything being done in our world makes perfect sense.
Suggest instead of thinking about "why evil loves to be evil"; learn more about ballistics, trajectories, etc.
Because evil ain't going to go away on its own.
Again; NOT trying to be rude, dismissive, etc. nothing of the sort.
This is so TRUE! We all want to believe in pure and good motives in people just as we may have. But the real truth is these evil demons are not like us in any way ... and they are in the positions of power in much of our society to do as much harm as possible.
Are you a child of God or one of them? As far as I know, you may still have a choice.
Thank You! And I agree with what you say.....