Frum has had a raging case of TDS for over five years and no sign of the fever breaking. I used to read the Atlantic to get a view from the otherside, but the quality of their writing went to hell with TDS infections so much that I couldn't do it anymore.
Shame, because while I don't share their political opinions,
there was a time when they could publish some good stuff. The last decent thing I can remember reading was after all the people got busted for cheating to get their kids into name brand colleges; one of the writers used to work in a private school setting in LA working with getting the kids ready to apply for college and was ecstatic that the bust had finally happened because it was so obnoxious- it was really interesting insight. Another example of everything woke turns to shit...
Frum has had a raging case of TDS for over five years and no sign of the fever breaking. I used to read the Atlantic to get a view from the otherside, but the quality of their writing went to hell with TDS infections so much that I couldn't do it anymore.
Shame, because while I don't share their political opinions, there was a time when they could publish some good stuff. The last decent thing I can remember reading was after all the people got busted for cheating to get their kids into name brand colleges; one of the writers used to work in a private school setting in LA working with getting the kids ready to apply for college and was ecstatic that the bust had finally happened because it was so obnoxious- it was really interesting insight. Another example of everything woke turns to shit...