Or perhaps our Bolshevik academia and our Bolshevik mainstream media and our Bolshevik social media and our Bolshevik government simply raped his mind to death?
Also, according to a November 4 letter written by Principal Steve Wolf, someone threw a deer head into a courtyard from the school’s roof. They also painted several windows on the roof with red acrylic paint and used the same paint on the concrete near the school building during the early morning hours. Sounds like a satanic sacrifice.
MKultra highly likely with this situation.
Or perhaps our Bolshevik academia and our Bolshevik mainstream media and our Bolshevik social media and our Bolshevik government simply raped his mind to death?
Different people will react differently to being mass murdered by Harry Potter Banking Goblins.
Also, according to a November 4 letter written by Principal Steve Wolf, someone threw a deer head into a courtyard from the school’s roof. They also painted several windows on the roof with red acrylic paint and used the same paint on the concrete near the school building during the early morning hours. Sounds like a satanic sacrifice.
As for the deer head... sound familiar?
Marie Rothschild at the Rothschilds Surrealist Ball of 1972 - http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/a0/85/84/a0858416633d5cb98f2518a73f6267a8.jpg
Baphomet (satan) - https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/16654/production/_84623719_619a5913.jpg