I disagree with “the past is irrelevant to this endeavor” and “the present is what matters.” The great awakening will not happen without understanding our true history. If you think the past is irrelevant then you haven’t been following the Q posts. We are going through the same exact playbook the Bolsheviks used in WW2 Germany and Bolshevik Russia. If we don’t start recognizing the patterns then we are doomed to go through the lesson over again. Therefore I cannot support this belief system.
I disagree with “the past is irrelevant to this endeavor” and “the present is what matters.”
Irrelevant was probably a poor choice of words. I meant it within a more limited scope than it came across. Within the full context of that post it made more sense, but by itself it seems to be a blanket statement that I did not intend to make.
I fully agree that finding and exposing our true history is an important tool as we move forward through the GA. It will very likely inform the path we take towards each next veil.
What I was really trying to say was, for the initial wake up (which is what the OP is), that initial alarm clock, a deep exploration of our true history is not important and for most would only obfuscate the sound of that alarm. For that first step what is important is that a person see that they are asleep.
For some that alarm bell will be through finding out about hidden history, but for the vast majority, at least from what I have seen, it will be found in the Present, through memes like the OP, even if it is less historically accurate than it could be, where such accuracies would diminish the power of the alarm clock.
I disagree with “the past is irrelevant to this endeavor” and “the present is what matters.” The great awakening will not happen without understanding our true history. If you think the past is irrelevant then you haven’t been following the Q posts. We are going through the same exact playbook the Bolsheviks used in WW2 Germany and Bolshevik Russia. If we don’t start recognizing the patterns then we are doomed to go through the lesson over again. Therefore I cannot support this belief system.
Irrelevant was probably a poor choice of words. I meant it within a more limited scope than it came across. Within the full context of that post it made more sense, but by itself it seems to be a blanket statement that I did not intend to make.
I fully agree that finding and exposing our true history is an important tool as we move forward through the GA. It will very likely inform the path we take towards each next veil.
What I was really trying to say was, for the initial wake up (which is what the OP is), that initial alarm clock, a deep exploration of our true history is not important and for most would only obfuscate the sound of that alarm. For that first step what is important is that a person see that they are asleep.
For some that alarm bell will be through finding out about hidden history, but for the vast majority, at least from what I have seen, it will be found in the Present, through memes like the OP, even if it is less historically accurate than it could be, where such accuracies would diminish the power of the alarm clock.