A big chess piece just moved - “Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Formation of Florida State Guard”
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Basically these two "forces" are the one's who drum up all the trouble and ultimately start all the wars. They don't actually do any fighting. They're simply the instigators. Consider this battle same situation has been going on for centuries, all over the globe. They both profit together from all wars, regardless of the winners.
Have you seen the movie "Trading Places" with the $1 bet between Randolph and Mortimer Duke over "nature vs. nurture'? They destroyed their own nephew's life for the sport of it. It's basically just like that.
Ordo Ab Chao - Order out of Chaos. This is fundamentally the cabal's role - to drum up chaos on a regular basis so as to keep a balance of good/evil in this realm.
As a poster noted earlier in this thread, the Civil War was really a battle over whose form of slavery would win out. The winners enslaved us all with the 14th amendment deceptive "U.S. Citizen" political status designation. In the end, the Crown took the "Federal Government" and the Vatican took the "Municipal Governments" - and they both tricked us into paying for all of it, while simultaneously giving up our rights and property.
Read up on the 1822 Treaty of Verona for a deeper explanation.