A big chess piece just moved - “Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Formation of Florida State Guard”
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This is a MASSIVE RED PILL I-AM-ANON. I'll take ya there if you want to go. Once you see/understand it, you can't unlearn or forget it.
FYI, I wouldn't say "evolved". I'd say the opposite has happened in this last iteration. We've been heavily DEVOLVED. Ever seen the movie "idiocracy"? We're livin' it right now. I believe we'e only just turned the corner of "Max Idiocy" within the last 1-2 years and are now gradually arcing back toward sanity.
If you've got a vested interest in a 2,000/5,000/8,000/12,000 year history (all of which are impossible) and don't want that bubble popped, I totally understand. This proof results in a TON of cognitive dissonance for many. If you don't really have a vested interest one way or the other, I'll explain it.
Atlantis unlocks the red pill! haha...here ya go...
First, understand that all of our "authoritative mainstream historians" say that in our known history, somewhere between 100 - 150 billion humans have walked the earth - based on their "educated" guessing/theorizing of course.
Second, realize that the normal female reproductive age range is 15 - 35 years of age. Sure, occasionally there are younger and older births, but this is the normal range. As such, I choose the middle/average age of 25 to fairly represent what we'll define as a "generation". It's likely the average age is even younger in antiquity due to lifespans and "age of consent" laws. Anyway, 25 is more than fair.
Third, to keep the math simple, I'm using 2025 as my starting point (as we're only 3 years short of it). It won't matter in the long run.
Fourth, you must realize that this is only about YOU and your lineage. It doesn't matter how many brothers/sisters, cousins, uncles, nieces, nephews, blah blah blah you may have. It also doesn't matter who died when or at what age. It also doesn't matter if maybe your great-great-great-great-great-whatever grandfather, here and there, had children with 2,3,4,5 different women that all turned out to be your great-great-great-great grandmothers. Instances of this aren't ultimately material in the grand scheme of things. I'm basically mentioning all this as these are a lot of the comments I get as people slip into cognitive dissonance trying to make sense of what I'm about to show you.
Simply put, the proof is only about the fact that in order for YOU to be here, if we accept what we've been taught, the following equation demonstrates how many great-to-the-Nth power grandparents you must have had.
You can do this simply with a calculator. Simply multiply 2 x 2 = 4, and then keep hitting the "=" button. You have 2 parents who each had 2 parents, which means you had 4 grandparents. Your 4 grandparents each had 2 parents which means you had 8 great grandparents - 16 great-great-grandparents, 32 great-great-great grandparents, and so on and so on. This is simple, irrefutable biology.
Each time you multiply the previous generation by 2, you subtract 25 years (one generation) as you move back in time. I'm using 2025 as our starting point. Now, let's look at the math.
2x2 = 4 grandparents (-25 years) - 2000 2x4 = 8 great-grandparents (-25 years) - 1975 2x8 = 16 great-great-grandparents (-25 years) - 1950 2x16 = 32 great-great-great-grandparents (-25 years) -1925 2z32 = 64 great^4-grandparents (-25 years) - 1900
From here, backing up 4 generations (100 years) we get:
Year 1800 - 1,024 great^8 grandparents Year 1700 - 16,384 great^12 grandparents Year 1600 - 262,144 great^16 grandparents Year 1500 - 4,194,304 great^20 grandparents Year 1400 - 67,108,864 great^24 grandparents Year 1300 - 1,073,741,824 great^28 grandparents (Billions) Year 1200 - 17,179,869,184 great^32 grandparents (Ten Billions) Year 1100 - 274,877,906,944 great^36 grandparents (> all people ever) Year 1000 - 4,398,046,511,104 great^40 grandparents (4 Trillions) Year 900 - 70,368,744,177,664 great^44 grandparents (70 Trillions) Year 800 - 1,125,899,906,842,624 great^48 grandparents (Quadrillions)
It just gets stupider and stupider the further back you go. As you can see, in JUST YOUR LINEAGE, by the year 1100, there are more of your great-grandparents than humans that have ever allegedly lived on earth.
I'm presently unable to work out an actual equation that would be reasonable and representative of the entire world's population. It's complicated to do correctly I'm sure. For example, all your brothers and sisters wouldn't be "additive" to a collective result equation as your lineages are identical. So you'd have to basically divide the worlds population by 3 or maybe 4, guessing that's an average number of children a mother has that reach maturity. If we call that number say 2 billion, and then account for all of history's Casanovas, instances of incest, father's who sired hundreds of kids across generations, yada yada yada, it simply doesn't matter in the long run. The math blows up either way. Even if you knock off 1 billion of these instances, you'd still be multiplying all of the above numbers by 1 billion to approach a representative count in my estimation.
Anyway, I would suspect that this whole thing breaks down much sooner/earlier - probably around the year 1500 or so. Basic biology and basic math demonstrate that one of two things must be true. One, the number of people who have lived on earth in the past 1000 years is GROSSLY and MASSIVELY under reported/estimated. We should be talking a number in the kazillions if we go back to the year 1000. Or two, we have no idea what's happened in the past, how far back it really goes, and frankly, no real sense of "time" as we currently understand it.
Thus far, nobody has been able to poke any holes in this that I've discussed it with. It's certainly possible, but haven't heard one yet.
Heckuva red pill, eh? Enjoy!
It's a mind-fork, ain't it?
Buildings? My hunch is all our "past dates" are bunk at some point. Many alt-history researchers have come to the general conclusion over the years that it's hard to provably date anything prior to around the year 1350. It's all "guess work" and "carbon dating" nonsense. What if 1200 was really 1600 for example and 1600 was really 1800? It's impossible to know for sure.
If we have that many progenitors, and you believe our current timeline started in the year "0 AD", the time of Jesus alleged birth, then I don't think we can even SAY what that number would be. It is: 4.835703278458517e24
So you and your brothers and sisters alone have 4.83 SEPTILLION (24 zeros) great^80 grandparents if you believe our history goes back just 2000 years.