Remember the story about Epstein being a professor at Harvard University for a short time. Epstein donated $6.5 million to the science department at Harvard. In return a Harvard professor named Martin Nowak gave Epstein a office in the research department and unrestricted access to Harvard University.
This is my own opinion because the article does not say what Epstein was doing while he was at Harvard University. What was Epstein's interests at Harvard? What did they have that he needed? Young, attractive women for trafficking.
The article does say after a investigation Harvard gave last remaining $200,000 from Epstein's donations to groups that support victims of sex trafficking and assault.
Why would Harvard donate money to groups that support victims of trafficking? They never say Epstein was procuring young women from Harvard, they act like it was the relationship between the professor and Epstein that was controversial. Read between the lines to get the whole truth.
Here is a excellent webpage from someone named Jasun from January 2020 that ties all the connections together.
This article drops many names including Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. Many different scientists and leading intellectuals.
Epstein gave donations to many different universities and science foundations; I assume he was procuring young women from all of the places to sell to his elite circle and also use these women in honeypot situations to blackmail politicians and Hollywood elite.
It was like a big sexual ponzi scheme that fed itself and grew bigger and bigger. Over time so many big names were involved, so many people being blackmailed and voluntarily partaking, it became a world underground that controlled the government and even our justice system. It became so pervasive they did not fear being exposed, everyone was involved.
Remember the story about the Ambassador who ditched his security detail to have sex with underage kids? Rumor has it, Hillary Clinton who was head of the State Department at the time stopped the investigation. Here is a video that talks about the incident and has a young Jen Psaki protecting the pedophiles. You see why she got the position as sleepy Joe's White House communications director?
Did you know Epstein was one of the founding donors to the Clinton Global Initiative?
We learned through FOIA requests that Epstein's first visit to the Clinton White House was one month after Clinton's inauguration in 1993, he visited the White House 17 times. (17)
The visitor logs were obtained by from the Clinton Presidential Library under a series of FOIA requests. There is a good infographic here detailing the visits to the WH.
The article above from Jasun, talks about a billionaire's club, it was called "The Edge". Here is their website:
Look at all the attractive girls they have at their dinner parties. I can only assume it was Epstein who was providing many of these girls. If you look down at the bottom of the page, look at the pictures from year 2000, you see a picture of Epstein with someone named Nathan Myhrvold. The picture of Epstein appears first, then afterwards the pretty young girls start to show up.
Nathan Myhrvold spent 14 years at Microsoft Corporation. In addition to working directly for Bill Gates.
Here is a video of Bill Gates being questioned about his connections to Epstein after Epstein was prosecuted for child trafficking, watch him squirm.
How many CEO's have we seen step down since the start of the Maxwell trial? What did Q tell us to watch? CEO resignations. What was a big part of the information drops on the Q board? Child trafficking!
Why did Trump step away after being the most successful President of all time? To coordinate the sting operation to bring down the election stealing pedophile rings of the elite. Its why Silicon Valley and shady politicians stole the election, to protect themselves. They had to blatantly steal the election to protect themselves (the pedophiles) and in doing so got caught. They thought the pedophile Joe Biden would protect them. Rumor has it though, that is not even Joe Biden, Biden is dead.
Here Trump calls Biden a vehicle and says Biden is shot.
What is one definition of a vehicle: A medium through which something is transmitted, expressed, or accomplished.
Trump brought back the firing squad and is destroying families with his execution spree.
They put their faith in sleepy Joe but now he has developed Alzheimer's and forgot who his friends were. Tisk, tisk. Does this explain the behind the scenes infighting at the White House? Talk of installing Hillary? Sleepy Joe isn't panning out for them. Maybe they are just realizing they have been had.
How many times have we seen Biden on what looks like a movie set? Maybe it's a clue that sleepy Joe is really a actor? Q asked us "What makes a movie GOOD"? GREAT actors?
The election theft will come out in due time, right now we are getting a glimpse at the pedophiles. Everything has been timed out, each phase of the plan is playing out in correct order. Just be patient, it will ALL be exposed, just enjoy the show.
Look at Q post 4904. What do you see?
Guardians of the Pedophiles
Panic in DC
Playing simultaneously but they will play out in the order listed. The pedophiles will go down first and then Durham will come in. Once the public has seen all the evidence and the Supreme Court refuses to hear Lindell's election fraud case, the military will step in. The judiciary needs to fail the American people before the military gets involved. Every avenue needs to be pursued to overturn the election fraud before the military can legally get involved and we know who the military supports, yes that would be DJT.
The Q operation is progressing forward nicely. Nothing can stop what is coming.
I could go on all day tying pieces together for you, it's fun in a way. Helps keep hope alive for me, hope it does for you too!!!
Stay safe my frens!!!
Yeah but you can manipulate younger girls with promises of a bright future at Harvard or Hollywood. I think after this year we can all agree academic institutions are corrupt.