11 Is anyone able to access Telegram? Mine keeps showing “updating” posted 3 years ago by Helpus2021 3 years ago by Helpus2021 +11 / -0 Please and thanks 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
just fine on laptop
Thanks! Mine is in limbo and has been for hours
Mine, too, at least on my phone. Computer might be ok?
Oh thank you for replying!
Thanks for bringing it up! I think it’s ok on my computer—lotsa messages there that haven’t shown up yet on phone.
There have been outages all day across the interwebs, DDoS I guess, cloud troubles, hunter downloading porn and clogging the bandwith maybe.
Try going to settings, data & storage, storage usage & clear telegram cache. That always works for me. I have to do it every now and then but I’ve also made my cache size no limit..
Mine on my phone works fine my brother in law on iphone cannot.